LoL: The temporary game modes that we would like to see return

From time to time, well, very regularly, Riot Games gives us a temporary game mode on League of Legends. If some are recurrent and well known by the players, others have either fallen into oblivion or appeared only once on the client. We bring you our top rotating game modes – whether PvE or PvP – which we will be dying to replay.


The game is played in 3v3 on a brand new map ” Substructure 43 “. You can only play with shooters, with limited summoner spells, and without the rune system. To win, nothing could be simpler, you must accumulate 50 points. Destroy Charge Bots and steal their Augment Fragments to overload your team and crush your opponents.

This game mode was released in November 2017 to celebrate the release of the new PROJECT skins for PROJECT of Vayne, Vi and Jhin.

Why was it fun? Because it was the ADC war, and it was the perfect opportunity to show everyone that the best shooters are you.

Nemesis Draft

This game mode was downright evil and will likely have broken some friendships. The principle was simple: on the Summoner’s Rift map you choose the champions … of the opposing team. You had three bans and the possibility to swap your champion with your teammates after the pick and ban phase. Even if you didn’t own the champion, you could still trade.

This mode was particularly funny because the composition of the teams was very often of the big nonsense. Full support teams, Nunu / Aatrox / Urgot and so on, we had to know how to adapt and sometimes we found ourselves somehow playing a champion that we had never tried!

Odyssey: Extraction

This new mode asked you to go to the rescue of Ziggs who, victim of a crash on an alien planet.

Extraction had 5 difficulty levels and allowed you to embody Yasuo, Jinx, Sona, Malphite Where Ziggs. With each game played, you unlock permanent optimizations to improve your spells and thus increase the difficulty level! Our end goal was to annihilate the demonic Kayn.

Why did we love? Because the last level, Massacre mode, was pretty tough. In addition, being able to optimize your spells offered many possibilities that were quite fun to play. We would have liked to see the mode come back last year, with the return of the Odyssey skins, but Riot Games did not answer our call.


League of Legends

This temporary game mode arrived in the Summoner’s Rift in January 2014 and returned the same year, exactly in September, to the Tortured Forest map (the famous 3v3 map that has since disappeared, RIP). The principle was incredibly simple, instead of having 10 summoners in a game there were 12, so 6 players per team. If the golds and experience had been changed on the map of the tortured forest, in the classic rift nothing had changed.

Why did we love? Because doing a pentakill is better, but doing a hexakill is better.


Meet at 0:45 for the preview of the game mode

On the occasion of the release of the 5 new Star Guardian skins, Riot had decided to strike hard and had reserved a brand new PvE game mode for us, several game modes indeed, and this, on several maps. This event took place in August 2017

During each part, you had to face 7 successive waves of attackers, to end with the confrontation of the End Boss. Between each wave, you were given a fixed amount of gold as well as a level, and you could take a break to purchase items. As soon as the whole team was ready, you channeled the star in the center of the area to take on the next wave.

You had to face different types of waves:

  • Survival – Goal: kill all enemies
  • Escape – Goal: reach the other end of the map
  • Defense – Goal: stay in the shield and survive monster waves
  • Final boss – Goal: kill the boss

A bit like Odyssey, this PvE mode offered a new way to play, but especially without the hassle. Exploring the streets of Valorant City and getting out of the sacrosanct Summoner’s Rift was my gosh, pretty cool.

Dark Star: Singularity

Meet at 1:05 for the preview of the game mode

In this 3v3 game mode called Dark Star: Singularity, all players embody a Thresh Equipped with the legendary Dark Pulsar skin. The mode is played on the brand new Cosmic Ruins map, it is about the size of a base (nexus + inhibitors). The nexus is replaced by a black hole, in which you will have to send your opponents to score points.

The goal of the game is simple: you have to send the enemies into the black hole to score points for your team. The first team to score 100 points won (1 point for a scavenger, 5 points for a champion), in two winning rounds (Bo3).

This game mode has been unveiled only once: in May 2017 for the release of Kha’Zix of the Dark Pulsar (almost a year after the first skins of this theme were released for Thresh and Varus). Why did we love? Because it was hook fair and even not being a Thresh player, there was a way to have a lot of fun.

League of Legends

Of course, there are other game modes that hardly come back or not at all like the Doom Bots, in which bots raid our lanes to assault our Nexus before the arrival of the terrifying Teemo Imp. And you, which game mode do you miss the most?

You dreamed of it (or not), they did it! Logitech, in partnership with Riot Games, launches a collection of computer accessories and peripherals in the colors of the virtual group K / DA.

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