LoL: The two rare skins hidden in the store that you can still get

We’ve already talked about skins as being one of the keys to the success of League of Legends. No one trusted Riot Games’ strategy of offering the game for free and funding itself solely through the sale of cosmetic content. However, the developer has made releasing new skins for champions an art form and, ten years after its release, the total number of skins has increased to nearly 1,400. There are all sorts of rarities and price ranges, including some that are hidden from players’ eyes and can still be purchased.

Hidden skins in the League of Legends store

Logic tells us that, knowing the importance of selling skins for Riot Games, they should be easy to find for all players. However, the developer has provided two exceptions for hard-to-find cosmetics. This is the case of Annie Gothic and Sivir Huntress. These skins can still be obtained by purchasing them in the store, but in a very particular way. If we go to the skins section and look for them, we will not find them. Unlike all the other skins that are still on sale, we can only get them from the “Champions” tab by looking under “Packs”.

Both cosmetics are priced at 975 RP and are quite rare. Some players have already forgotten that they are available in the store or have never heard of them. The truth is that this tab dedicated to packs offers nothing interesting once we’ve played a few hours and it’s easy to say that we haven’t even visited it in the last ten years. Also, even though the Annie Gothiqe skin has recently received major upgrades, the Sivir Huntress cosmetic isn’t particularly great. The in-game model and especially her weapon are quite good, but there are no major new animations or visual effects.

There are, however, several curiosities. Gothic Annie is the oldest League of Legends skin you can still buy, and it was actually disabled for years. In that sense, it’s surprising that Riot Games doesn’t want to promote it more often. But that could change very soon. The developer announced the return of gothic skins during season 12. A boost that will probably push them to review the strange situation of these two cosmetics in the store.


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