LoL: The Unrecognized Community Interaction That Shows Players’ Most Common Mistake

The popularity of League of Legends has given the community an almost endless array of tools. There are dozens of sites on the Internet that allow us to learn more about the game and even get real-time data on the performance of champions. However, even this ocean of information does not save players from their own laziness. It’s common for even the most reputable experts to forget some of the basics of how the title works and to make ridiculous mistakes because of these little oversights.

An interaction very little known to players

Caedrel, a former professional gamer and analyst for official Riot Games broadcasts, was the last to have to endure an unpleasant situation caused by the purest of ignorance. This was a top lane trade as he played Aatrox and was ready to take out Sons against him playing Fiora. Everything seemed to be working in his favor, especially with a summoner spell as powerful in executing enemies as Ignite. However, he did not take into account a basic interaction: Fiora’s W – Riposte is able to stop this spell.

Caedrel’s reaction to this move is priceless. The analyst desperately asks where his summoner spell went, only to end up wondering if it’s even possible for Fiora to stop him with her ability. As you may have concluded by now, yes, she can. What is really surprising, however, is that this interaction has raised a lot of questions in the community. This is a feature that’s been active since the release of the champion revamp and is listed in the ability’s description. In fact, Fiora also blocks the use of Fatigue or any negative effects with her parry.

It’s not the first time that someone who knows the game so well has shown that they don’t know how skills work. Clid, a professional League of Legends player who won the LCK and competed in the World Championships, demonstrated that he never read Lee Sin’s description of Q – Soundwave/Resonating Blow. In case you weren’t well versed in competitive play, never knowing the spell description was very detrimental to the player since his main job was jungler, and he played with the Blind monk nearly 120 times.

Lee Sin’s Q deals more damage the lower the opponent’s health

There’s actually a good excuse when you don’t really know what the champion you’re up against is doing. Riot Games has not included in League of Legends a system that allows us to read the abilities of our opponents. To a large extent, the developers don’t because they thought hardly anyone would use it. However, it might save us from situations like Caedrel’s. But maybe that would leave us no excuse to be too lazy.

The Spirit Flower event will return for a second edition to League of Legends with patch 12.19, an event that will be accompanied by a temporary game mode. No innovation yet on this side since it is the traditional URF which should be part of it.

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