LoL: The very important jungle mechanic that will disappear and which divides the players

League of Legends will be receiving major changes in the upcoming 2023 preseason and most of the players are actually interested in the new features that are coming to the game. However, not all of the community considered this to be good news. The jungle revamp left a lot of users unhappy due to the multiple tweaks to simplify the role. It’s not only that the developer is going to include a recommendation system on which routes each champion should follow, but also a mechanic that is about to disappear from the game.

A key jungle mechanic goes away

When Preseason 2023 hits League of Legends in Patch 12.22 on November 15, monsters will have a maximum range that will make it impossible to attack multiple sides at once. No champion, though Shaco may be able to challenge this with his W – Surprise Box, will be able to “bind two camps” to clear them at the same time. Instead, mobs will just eventually reset and return to their respawn space.

Say goodbye to cleaning two different camps at the same time

In fact, this technique had a large following, and many saw it as one of the ways to differentiate players who had spent time studying the jungle routes from those who hadn’t. However, she was causing a lot of trouble for Riot Games. In a way, champions who could pull off this strategy naturally benefited from the system. As such, this mechanic limited the introduction of many champions to a role where the developers wanted to see more diversity.

Additionally, Riot Games will also include a visual indicator that will show the maximum distance Jungle Camps can be separated from their respawn area. A situation which, according to many opinions, removes all complexity from this role. The developer’s view is somewhat different, considering that these options simply make the role considered the most difficult in League of Legends a little more “accessible”. In this sense, what they hope is that more players will be encouraged to try their hand at it and lose their fear.

Future changes to Syndra may very well alter the way she is played. His new kit could be much more effective on a lane other than the midlane.

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