LoL: The worst reaction on Nilah… and the best responses from the community!

Being presented by Riot Games themselves as one Water Yasuo (on its initial concept), Nilah was first thought to please the hands of the two rival brothers of Ionia. Nevertheless as these champions are at least both loved and hatedit makes sense that part of the community don’t be very enthusiastic at the announcement of a third potential plague. Yet the criticism that interests us does not dwell on this point, preferring to compare Nilah to another shooterin a relatively clumsy way.

Nilah = Samira?

In his post, the redditor compares the two champions. His opinion is that they are even more similar to each other than were Sona and Seraphine. The argument is that their fates are almost the same. Here is what this person said:

  • Q: fires a projectile or performs a cone-shaped melee attack
  • W: creates a barrier around her, blocking auto attacks
  • E: dash on a target, with a fixed distance. If Q is activated at the same time, damage is inflicted on the entire line of the dash.
  • A: spins around dealing damage to nearby opponents.

The comparison is still irrelevant, for several reasons. The first concerns the Samira passivedirectly inspired by the series Devil May Cry. To cast your ultimate, you will need to reach a certain combo score with your other skills, while Nilah’s is much more classic, and can be launched more easily. The second is that the argument made could apply to other champions. The most telling example would probably be Katarinawhich also has a projectile on his A, a tp on the E, and a whirlwind R. However, no player would think that Samira and Katarina look alike, which will probably also be the case with Nilah.

Community responses

The community has therefore decided to gently make fun of the complainer, by making the same type of comparison, but with champions who really have nothing to do with each other. Here are the ones that made us laugh the most:

Annie is Malphite:

  • their A’s are targeted poke
  • their Z’s do cone damage
  • their E are a defensive spell reducing enemy damage
  • their R are used to engage from afar, by applying a CC on the opponents

Braum is Yasuo

  • both have a dash (E)
  • both have a spell that must be applied multiple times to CC an opponent (A)
  • they have a wall to block damage and skills (W)
  • their ultimates are there knock-up enemies

Riven is Renekton

  • their A’s do damage around them
  • their Z’s are stuns
  • their E’s are from dash
  • their R allow them to buff themselves

We have chosen to spare you the Darius = Garen and the Lux = Morgana. It should be noted that part of the community still shares the opinion presented by the author of the post, while others believe that Nilah looks more like a Diana AD than to Samira.

Did you think there weren’t enough Star Guardian skins in League of Legends yet? So you will be satisfied. After those of patch 12.13, Riot Games is doing it again and will release 6 new skins on this theme with the 12.14 cycle.

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