LoL: Top 5 support characters that can arrive in Project L!

Before we begin, here are a few words about how this selection was made this list of characters from the MOBA League of Legends. The skills and passives of the champions have been taken into account, as well as the mechanics of the most popular fighting game licenses. Once a first skimming was done, the popularity of the various candidates decided between them. The most recent releases were not considered selectable, as the adaptation could be quite long, but nothing says that they will not be present. Finally, the classification that arrives was done in alphabetical order, not by estimating that such a character has more chances of arriving than his neighbor.

Alistar, cowhide top

The League of Legends minotaur seems like a good candidate in the defensive balance archetype. Considering his above-average height, his normals would have a good range. His A (Q) Atomization would be a special move that would hit low (requirement to put the guard down to block) with a disjointed hitbox (which would carry further than Alistar). The damage would not necessarily be very high, but it would juggle the opponent (send him into the air). Alistar could then continue his combo, and have two ways to finish it: with a normal hit to keep the opponent close, or with his second special (his Z/W) for maximum damage but pushing the enemy back in the distance, which would result in a reset of the neutral instead of giving it an advantage on the upstroke. Besides this ability to finish combos, his Headbutt would also make a good anti-air. His trample (E) would be a special move that would inflict a debuff around Alistar. If the opponent stays too close to him, he would eventually end up in a Guard Break state (he couldn’t guard for a few seconds).

His Iron Will (R) is difficult to adapt as a Super because it does no damage, but it is possible to imagine a buff that would give Alistar Armor for a few seconds (i.e. his blows could not be interrupted by an opponent’s blow). On the other hand, his mobility would be below average, and he would be in difficulty against zoners. It would rather be played in points, in order to compensate for its weakness to projectiles with an appropriate assist, and could bring in the anchor after a successful Atomization to do a lot of damage.

League of Legends

Blitzcrank, extreme grappler

Blitzcrank’s signature move is his Q (Q) Rocket Grapple. In LoL, it allows him to draw an opponent to him, so it’s naturally that the Grappler archetype comes to mind for this champion. He could catch his opponent with a fairly good range (like half the screen), but on the other hand his normal shots would not have a phenomenal range. Note that Rocket Grappling wouldn’t be a command grab, despite the effect as they fight guard, and having one that spans half the screen would probably be too strong. Its purpose would be to allow Blitz to draw his opponents to him, then threaten them at close range, but he would be blockable with a normal guard. He would use his Overload (Z/W) to increase both his movement speed and his frame data, but would be slowed after that (he could just put his guard up though). Fist of Steel (E) would be a juggling special, used to extend a combo rather than finish it. He could also cancel the Rocket Hook in Steel Fist, to perform a combo after this special. He would also have an original special, which would be a command grab (mug made with a special command, rather than the universal mug), usable at close range.

Unlike Alistar, he wouldn’t have too much of a problem with zoners, with his Mana Barrier passive becoming a special move that would nullify projectiles. His R Stasis Field would become his Super, and would be usable in two ways. Used from a distance, it would create a shield around Blitzcrank, nullifying projectiles and normal hits launched outside of its area of ​​effect. In melee, it would deal moderate damage, but silence the enemy, preventing them from using special moves for a few seconds (the normals and the guard would remain usable). The Steam Golem would struggle against characters that excel in aerial attacks. Just like the Minotaur, it would rather take a point role with the objective of bringing in the anchor at an advantageous moment.

League of Legends

Karma, the Ionian Swiss army knife

Karma would, in our opinion, offer very interesting gameplay as a balanced character. His Inner Flame (Q/A) would be a very good projectile, Focused Will can do an acceptable command grab thanks to its ability to immobilize on LoL, and Exalted (E) would no longer give a shield, but would cause a pillar to spring up of energy around Karma, serving him primarily as anti-air. She would therefore have absolutely everything a character needs, but in return her overall damage would be a little below average.

What would set a good Karma player apart from a bad one would be the use of the Mantra (R). Just like in League of Legends, his super would enhance his next special move, giving him additional properties. The Inner Flame would hit 2 times, while dealing bonus damage, allowing it to counter a zoner’s projectiles. Focused Will would exit faster and do more damage, while Exalted’s recovery frames would be canceled, allowing him to combo after an anti-air. In order to compensate for the fact that his Super doesn’t deal damage, it would cost less bar. Karma would therefore be a character who can manage in any situation, but does not shine anywhere. Players will need the right time to use the Mantra, as only then would she show her true potential. In terms of its usefulness as a team, it could be played at any position, point or anchor. His place in the team would be mainly determined by the second member of the team.

League of Legends

Lulu, fairy pixpetter

In League of Legends, this Yordle is always accompanied by her fairy Pix, and that wouldn’t change in Project L. A Lulu player should therefore manage both entities at the same time. The Shining A(Q) Duo would become a single projectile, fired by both Lulu and Pix. Pix to the Rescue (E) would allow Pix to protect Lulu with one hit, while knocking the opponent back. Fantasy (Z/W) would undergo big changes, and would in fact become a command allowing to position Pix at certain strategic places in the screen or to attack. As for Enlarge (R), it would become a simple Super doing damage, but where Lulu would grow during the animation in order to recall the basic spell.

Lulu would mix the zoner and puppeter archetypes, having to stay at a certain distance, but being able to make very long offensive sequences by forcing his opponent to maintain guard thanks to Pix’s attacks. Her Yordle condition would give her pretty good overall mobility, but her damage would be below average, while being offset by the ability to land very long combos, making her a very technical character. In order to compensate for her advantages, her health would be lower than that of the majority of fighters, and above all she would be very vulnerable if Pix were to disappear after taking a few hits, at least until she could summon her from new. The role of anchor could well suit him, in order to take advantage of the Super bar raised by the point to make very long sequences and maintain his opponents in a defensive posture.

League of Legends

Yuumi, cat then!

No it’s a troll. Well, half. In League of Legends, Yuumi sticks (literally) to a character to heal them, and increase their damage. Very weak on its own, it doesn’t seem made for a fighting game, and nothing invalidates that (which doesn’t mean that it would be impossible to adapt it, just that other champions seem more obvious to us). On the other hand, given her affinity with books, she could very well become the mascot of the game, the one who accompanies you in the tutorial and the training mode to give you advice.

League of Legends

Zyra, for better tournament seeding

After the puppeter, it’s time to take an interest in another archetype of fighting games that is very difficult to master: the summoner. The Thorn Lady is the perfect candidate for this position, being able to plant seeds with her Uncontrolled Growth (Z/W), which she could then grow into two different forms: one that would hit the enemy in melee (Roots Fixers, its Q/A) and one that would send projectiles (Doom Thorns, its E) including characters in the air. Zyra should therefore keep the opponent at a distance, and manage the space well to prepare a devastating attack, or simply summon plants to protect herself (which it would be possible to destroy by tapping on them).

Besides dealing damage, Stranglebrambles (R) would empower summons in the field, increasing their lifespan and damage. At the normal level, she would have a good range using her vines as whips, but a fairly long recovery on her hits. His health would be lower than average. As for her position in the team, she would be an anchor, in order to prepare the ground in a relatively safe way by disposing of the seeds during her assists. She wouldn’t go with all the points though, not being able to swoop in to do heavy damage without summoning her plants first.


Metarverse and blockchain are terms that have become common on social networks today. But for many, they remain very nebulous. An LEC team decided to advertise a digital world, with the key we imagine a nice little check. We found that a bit cringe.

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