LoL: Welcome to Tanks of Legends

Of the 8 champions with the best winrate at Platinum ranks and above, 5 are tanks (source). And there is still one who is not in the top 8 but has more than 53% winrate (2 if we round up the 52.76% of Zac). Only 3 champions of this archetype have a winrate below 50%: Nautilus (49.42%), Alistar (49.15%) and Leona (48.16%). If your greatest pleasure in the game is watching the opposing team hit you, before giving them your best: “Not even bad”, then this patch is for you. Overview of the immortals of 12.11.

The Six Tankastics

As said in the introduction, five tank champions are among those with the best current winrate in the game. The order of their ranking is as follows: Volibear (jungle, 54.72%), Tahm Kench (toplane, 53.94%), Singed (top, 53.76%), Mundo (top, 53.69%) and Rammus (53.59%). Note that the seventh champion with the best winrate is Taric with 53.35%, but that we preferred to leave him in the enchanter category, even if this decision could be debated. Our first instinct was to see if these characters share a common or very close build, but that’s not the case. Even if certain objects appear regularly in the most popular builds (notably the Deathplate), they are not the core objects of the builds, and are often the fourth or fifth item of a build (considering the boots as an object ).

In terms of mythical items, Volibear prefers the Chemtank, Tahm Kench the frozen gauntlet, while Mundo and Rammus generally choose the Solar Cloak. Only Singed remains a special case, with very effective full AP builds on an early snowball (with Rylai and Demonic Embrace which are the two core items of its tank and AP carry builds). The Mad Chemist can go on the Riftmaker in the event of a snowball, or choose the Chemtank if he has not taken a significant advantage in early/mid, or he is outscaled by certain champions of the enemy team. However, even with a completely offensive build, Singed will remain difficult to kill thanks to his ultimate (+90 armor and RM for 25 seconds at level 16). Since no common build can really be identified, it seems consistent to think that it is the Tank archetype that is very strong, rather than certain specific items (even if their power comes from a combination buff of tank items and nerf other damage oriented items, nerfing a specific item would not fix the current issue).

OPs hidden but not too much

Although the five champions mentioned above are today the best in terms of winrate, their effectiveness remains questionable. Mundo and Singed, for example, will have a hard time carrying a game on their own shoulders, and their mates will have to not lose their early game too much for them to have a real impact. Even if their winrate is now lower, Zac and Shen largely compensate for this problem, being able to either engage from very far for Zac, or intervene anywhere on the map to help an ally for Shen.

Ornn and Poppy also have arguments to make on this side, with 52.48% and 52.45%. However Ornn is also very dependent on these mates to successfully kill opponents, while Poppy is much better at disengaging a fight than initiating it. Their relative passivity therefore makes them less strong than other tanks in soloQ, even if these two champions are very good options today.


Today is game day in the LFL. On the program, two well-known French League of Legends teams meet: Solary and Karmine Corp. But if the poster unleashed passions, it gradually fell into line… To the point of being a match like the others?

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