LoL: Where does the Shogun Tonight OTP reference to Worlds come from?

Photo: LoL Esports

Since the beginning of the competition, OTP has found a new darling to support: Nguyễn “Shogun” Văn Huy. Vietnamese ADC of Saigon Buffalo unleashes passions and reaction of casters after his pentakillwill surely remain as a highlight of French streaming. Karnage even went so far as to change his name and profile picture on Twitter (SHOGUN FAN ACCOUNT).

But while we mainly eat graphics cards on MGG, we didn’t necessarily understand where this passion came from… But the Shogun Tonight does not come from nowhere and there is a real reference behind it.

A crossover between the Worlds and the Ch’tis

Vincent Cohen Szewczyk is a reality TV candidate who has rolled his bump well. Discovered in the Ch’tis in 2011, he has toured the four corners of the world with his family from the North (Ibiza, Mykonis, Las Vegas, Hollywood…). But he has also participated in many other shows such as the Ch’tis vs the Marseillais, the Princes of Love, the Angels, Moundir and the Apprentis Aventuriers or the Battle of the Couples.

Renowned for being a particularly party animal, he had developed a gimmick that made him famous, the famous “Shogun Tonight“. Having become his trademark, he used and abused it during his various adventures, to the delight of the producers. With Vincent, he had a very good client for making sequences, credits or teasers. Besides , we even started to call it Vincent Shogun. Not being an expert in reality TV, we may be talking nonsense. But that would have ended up playing tricks on the Ch’tis, which would have locked itself in a character which would have subsequently led him into depression and problems. So the story is a bit sad basically… but if we’re talking about OTP’s Shogun; we will especially remember the party and the exuberance.

A real origin to find for Shogun

For the moment, we have not managed to have Shogun in an interview during these Worlds. But we obviously really want to ask him where the origin of his nickname comes from… and we imagine that Vincent des Ch’tis really has nothing to do with it.

The most probable theory is that this name refers to the Japan’s military leaders between 1185 and 1868. Shogun would be the diminutive of eiitaishōgun which would translate into “great general pacifier of the barbarians(Wikipedia). While League of Legends players often tend to love Japan, its culture and history, that would make sense.


The worlds of League of Legends promise to be thrilling. On the starting line, 24 teams dream of lifting the Summoner’s Cup, but in the end, only one winner will remain. China and Korea are scary, but we hope that the LEC teams will also have their say.

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