LoL: Who is the slowest champion in the game?

Everyone knows you have to be fast in League of Legends. Movement speed is always valued at all levels and many of the top pros take it into account when choosing their champion. Many are already familiar with the fastest characters with full skills and builds, resulting in some hilarious moments in the rift that brought more than a few smiles to our faces.

However, very few people are interested in the opposite: who is the slowest champion in all of League of Legends? The answer is easy to give, but it’s very surprising to see who the “winners” of this contest are, because they aren’t exactly characters that walk on their own two feet.

The slowest character in the game has a big weak point

If we look at the base stats and without adding boots, because what we want to know is Rell who is the slowest champion without any help with only 250 movement speed…. But he there is a big “but”: she only has this speed when she is not on her steed. When she remounts, she becomes a faster champion with 335 movement speed.

If we remove the passive questions, the winner is clear and there is no difference: Kled. It’s quite surprising and paradoxical to see the Angry Horseman ranked as the slowest character while riding Skaarl, who initially seemed to be slightly faster than the Yordle himself.

League of Legends

However, it is true that Kled increases his speed with his ultimate and has the skills to outrun anyone else with his E. So we decided to find out which character would be the slowest taking into account their skills. There are several champions with 325 movement speed that have abilities to move forward or give you more speed, but there are some that don’t have this boost: Ashe and Aphelios are the two main characters in the bot lane who suffer from it, as they don’t have an ability as such that gives them extra movement speed.

On the other hand, there’s Anivia, which also suffers from being too slow most of the time and suffers a lot in the lane phase. There are several champions whose slowness has knocked them out of the meta, but if there’s one thing these champions have going for them, it’s damage.


Time passes and it is still unclear if the Karmine Corp will be in the LEC next year. While the entire French League of Legends community is biting their nails, LEC Wooloo said a little more in an organized space on Twitter. We give you a short summary!

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