LoL Worlds: The paradoxical case of KCorp fans: believing that a European failure would prove them right

September, October and November are very special months for competitive fans in League of Legends. The Worlds are getting closer and the desire to see our favorite teams fight for glory grow, but also the waiting to see what Riot has prepared to surprise us at the grand finale on November 5 at the Chase Center in San Francisco.

But this time we won’t talk about the clubs that will fight for the trophy or the players, but about a rather strange case that happened in recent days in France with its most famous team: Karmine Corp. The Kameto team collected a many fans from all over France making the blue wall a fairly large and recognizable community… But also with a very toxic part that will do anything to see KC at the top.

The failure of Europe for its benefit

What happened in the past few days is somewhat difficult to explain: Apparently, some Karmine Corp fans want Europe to fail miserably at this year’s Worlds so that the image of the region is tarnished and the KC take advantage of this moment of weakness European teams to buy their places. That is to say, the only thing that matters to the fans is that KCorp reaches the top, even if it means leaving other teams behind in an unfair way. that is, by taking advantage of a moment of weakness rather than following a fierce struggle against a powerful and growing league.

Obviously, Kameto decided to talk about this dynamic the club’s fans had with the World Cup teams and KCorp’s own benefit. A viewer told him he didn’t understand how happy people were when another great team was losing, that they should think about doing their own thing and be happy with their own wins instead of worrying about others.

To this, Kamel replied: Looks like you’ve never been very into a football team. People grew up with their dad cheering on a team too, and now they feel that way about rival teams (they’re happy when they lose). But no one has to tell you who and/or how to cheer on a team, even in the LEC. You can cheer for Europe or a specific team, do whatever you want.”

An unhealthy dynamic for an ERL team

This type of dynamic of seeing your rival lose can be understood with great “enemies” within the same championship such as G2 and Fnatic or simply that you like one league more than another like the LCK or LPL but here it’s just an ERL team that doesn’t want take advantage of the misfortune of a region only for its own benefit … It’s a bit as if the Montcuq football team were delighted with the defeat of PSG in the European Cup (well, we’re exaggerating a bit, but that’s the idea).

Because yes, the spades between Spain and France to see who loses in the EU Master is something completely normal, because after all we are direct rivals. But why want to lose Europe in a World Cup where KCorp has no influence on the teams ? True, there are no qualified French people and there is no specific team to support, but if Europe improves in international matches, it will lead to an increase in the prestige of the LEC, making increase the international status of the team much more if they end up joining the European championship.

In the end, this wish for a European debacle looks more like the anger of a spoiled child than a real thoughtful opinion. It is understandable that part of the community is frustrated not to have reached the most important league of the old continent knowing that the aura of Karmine today exceeds that of half of the teams that are inside, but as the saying goes: He who wish to travel far take care of his mount. One last clarification, and this topic will be closed. No, it’s not about not wanting to support European teams, obviously KCorp fans have every right not to be interested in Worlds. It is good not to wish the failure of others.


We expected it, but we can’t help but grimace all the same. League of Legends Worlds 2022 schedules have leaked via the ticket sales site. And the Europeans are not really spoiled… We will have to suffer to watch all the matches.

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