LoL: Zilean, the champion impossible to play for the worst players?

One of the biggest quirks is the performance of League of Legends champions. If the characters are the same at all skill levels, players of different ranks can benefit more or less. It’s something we see traditionally associated with competitive play, where certain characters who are awful in ranked are the most powerful. However, if it is rarely talked about, there is a much more exaggerated and difficult situation that we only discover by paying attention to the worst players.

The unusable champion for the worst players

Zilean is a relatively straightforward character who has a very similar win rate across most ranks in the game. The champion’s expected win rate varies by a mere 1.5% when comparing silver rank to higher ranks in the game. On the other hand, if we consider bronze or iron, the surprise is considerable. Players at these levels are barely able to use the Keeper of Time. The most obvious case is at the lowest level of the game, where he is not even able to take down the enemy nexus in 30% of cases.















The data is really curious. While all champions in League of Legends tend to underperform in iron, none of them show such an exaggerated difference. It’s also likely that when we think of a character that might be least successful at the lowest rank in the game, we’re thinking of ones that require high skill. It is true that Zilean must have a good command of combat to use the ultimate correctly and that he must achieve the combo with his bomb. However, we wouldn’t even place him in the top 20 toughest champions.

In our case, we were so surprised by the situation that we even checked the data for the last 30 days (which we included in the table) in case it was an anomaly after the last patch. However, we realized that it had nothing to do with updates. Zilean has been in this state since the durability updatewhich seems to have seriously affected the character at the lowest rank in the game. Something Riot Games has ignored for quite some time now, as the studio doesn’t pay much attention to phenomena that occur exclusively on the lower rungs of the ladder. .

Zilean isn’t one of the toughest champions in League of Legends

If we look at the performance of all champions at Iron rank, we can find a common thread. The characters that win the least games are Zilean, Janna, Taric, Soraka, Yuumi and Ivern. They are all focused on protecting allies and don’t have many tools to win games on their own. A strategy that doesn’t seem to work despite the fact that if there’s one thing the mid-level ADCs we can come across at this level need is someone who constantly saves them.

Overall, this situation is an anomaly. Choosing utility champions is one of the most reliable strategies for climbing the League of Legends ranks, but not when you’re at rock bottom.. It should be noted that there is a strong similarity between iron and the higher ranks of the game: the number of players is so low that it forms a special microcosm that follows its own rules and does not necessarily obey the general rules of the game. Game.

Karmine Corp supporters aren’t always where you expect them. Capable of wonders to support their team in League of Legends, they can also do great things, outside of esports. They thus mobilized in a beautiful gesture of solidarity.

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