Lola, 12, found dead in a suitcase: “we are not well”, a neighbor testifies to a heavy “atmosphere”

Since Lola’s death, anonymous people have flocked to rue Manin to pay homage to her. For the neighbors of the 12-year-old schoolgirl’s family, the comings and goings are complicated.

In this building on rue Manin, the eyes are foggy and the mines, devastated. Friday, October 14, this is where the body of little Lola was found in a suitcase. It was there, where she lived with her parents, that the schoolgirl was allegedly killed after being raped. Since the announcement of this tragedy, anonymous people have flocked to lay flowers and other words at the foot of this residence in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. And the neighbors are scared and upset for Lola’s parents. “They have their hearts on their sleeves, testified a resident in C to you, Tuesday, October 18. They are very nice. It shocks me, it disturbs me. Everyone is confused. I feel that there is an atmosphere… no war, we must not exaggerate, but we are not well.”

According to another neighbor of Lola’s family, several people are thinking of leaving the building. “I think some will leave, especially families with young children.explained Clément at the microphone of C to you. (…) There are a lot of neighbors who do not feel well, not safe and who want to move. Already devastated by the horrific death of the 12-year-old schoolgirl, some residents are finding it very difficult to manage the influx of people who come to pray. “For us, that’s where it’s complicated, he continued. It reminds us all the time of what happened, it doesn’t allow us to think about anything else. There are people trying to get in, knocking on doors… It’s starting to get heavy.”

The main suspect admitted the facts before retracting

This Monday, October 17, Dhabia B. was indicted for the murder of little Lola and was placed in pre-trial detention in Fresnes prison. “She arrived in the middle of the night”, explained a member of the penitentiary in the columns of Parisian. As soon as she arrived, the main suspect was “left in a room for a few hours and in the early morning”she was “installed in a cell where she will remain alone”. According to Le Parisien, she would have admitted the facts to the police before retracting. The main suspect confirmed having met Lola in the hall of her building in the 19th arrondissement of Paris and having dragged her to her sister’s apartment, where she was staying. It was there that she allegedly raped and then killed her before hiding her body in a plastic trunk.

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