look back at a sex scandal in Chile in the 2000s


Here is the third feature film by a Chilean director, Fernando Guzzoni, of which we admit not knowing the first two titles. Judging by this one, inspired by a resounding sex scandal, the Spiniak affair, named after businessman Claudio Spiniak, accused of participating in a child prostitution ring, which hit the headlines mores in 2003 in Chile, here is a filmmaker who does not disdain devious scenarios and tortuous paths to achieve his goal. It must be said that the facts on which it is based were no less sordid or complex. At the center of the story, a minor, Blanca, who accuses a powerful industrialist of having assaulted and raped her, as well as a senator of the Republic who frequented the pedophile network created by the latter by subjugating street children.

Behind the young Blanca, aged 15, stands in the shadows a figure of the Church involved in social assistance to destitute minors, the priest Manuel Cura. This fighting clergyman, who has created a home for iron discipline, is 200% invested in his mission, treats his flock of “shits” and presents itself as their only recourse. Tired of the attackers’ impunity, outraged by Blanca’s story, this time determined to go all the way, he pushes her to enter the media arena to denounce the scandal.

Precis of moral ambiguity

In defiance, perhaps, of the ordeal awaiting the young girl. An investigation is opened. Journalists, police officers, magistrates follow one another near her. Society, shocked, is passionate about the case. Justice calls on a clairvoyant. Threats are made. Manuel and his protege hold their ground. As the case progresses, however, flaws are identified in Blanca’s testimony, which nevertheless proves to be remarkably precise, including anatomical.

The staging operates discreetly in this direction as well. Such multiplication of Blanca’s reflection in the mirror, such smile sketched in front of the journalists, such companionship with a boy from the hostel whose most intimate secrets she shares could tend to make believe that she is not the victim she claims. be. The film will end up tipping over, redistributing the roles, making the plot more complex, in favor of a summary of moral ambiguity filmed in a continuously oppressive way, as though through an aquarium. No one really grows out of it, in the theater of a social struggle that takes on the face of sexual alienation and where, on both sides, all shots are allowed.

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