Lose weight: 24-hour diet – 2 pounds a little overnight

+++ Lose weight with the 24-hour diet – 2 kilos less overnight +++

With this blitz diet you rely on a lot of protein and endurance sports. Subjects at the University of Freiburg were able to reduce the weight between 0.5 and 2 kilos with the 24-hour diet. Here's how it works:

  • To start burning fat quickly, exercise a lot within 24 hours and eat low-calorie meals. Carbohydrates and fat are taboo, instead you eat protein-rich foods that boost your metabolism. These include: eggs, meat, dairy products and fish.
  • On the first evening you do endurance training, then you allow yourself at least eight hours of sleep. The next day, 1 to 3 hours of interval training are on the program.

The good thing about the 24-hour diet program: you lose weight from the first minute and only have to hold out for 24 hours. You can also repeat the program as often as you want if the weight goes up again.

You can find out more about the 24-hour diet here: 24-hour diet: Lose 2 kg overnight

+++ Lose weight with the apple trick +++

Apples are not only delicious, but also real slim miracles. Thanks to the fiber pectin, they fill you up for a long time. In addition, they are low in calories and fat, boost fat burning and strengthen the metabolism – so the pounds drop quickly.

If you want to lose weight using the apple diet, there are two variants: the extreme apple diet and the healthy variant of the apple diet.

Extreme apple diet

With the extreme apple diet, you eat five to six apples a day for a period of two days to two weeks. You drink a lot of calorie-free liquid, preferably water or fruit or herbal tea, preferably three liters a day. In total, you only eat 500 calories per day with the strict variant – this enables weight loss of up to six kilograms per week.

But be careful: this amount of calories is significantly below the recommended daily amount of the German Nutrition Society. With such a crash diet, the yo-yo effect is virtually preprogrammed.

Healthy apple diet

With the healthy variant of the apple diet, you eat one or two apples before each meal. In this way, the feeling of hunger is satisfied in advance, we eat less and therefore consume significantly fewer calories. If you also rely on healthy and nutritious meals, you can reduce your weight sustainably. You can find out more about the healthy variant of the apple diet here: Apple Diet: The New Weight Loss Miracle?

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