Lose weight: this is how intermittent fasting works

Lose weight
This is how intermittent fasting works

Actor Hugh Jackman made himself fit for his film "Wolverine" with intermittent fasting

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Many use Lent to shed a few extra pounds. Anyone who uses intermittent fasting should be smart beforehand.

The starting shot for Lent has been fired and for many the weight loss marathon begins once again. But instead of having to go without food and delicacies for weeks, you can try intermittent fasting. Regular fasting periods are integrated into everyday life, which have a positive effect on body, mind and health. Stars like Jennifer Lopez (51), Hugh Jackman (52, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine") or Victoria's Secret angel Bridget Malcom (29) swear by intermittent fasting. That's how it's done!

Intermittent fasting means that fixed periods of fasting and times of eating alternate. What and how much is eaten outside of fasting periods is up to you – however, a balanced, healthy diet is recommended. Gluttony or reaching for a chocolate snack is of course taboo for anyone who really wants to lose weight

From 16: 8 to 5: 2: This is how the methods work

The two most popular variations of intermittent fasting are the 16: 8 and 5: 2 methods. With the 16: 8 variant, you fast for 16 hours, the food intake takes place in the remaining eight hours. For example, if you have your last meal at 8 p.m., you simply skip breakfast and can have lunch normally again at 12 p.m.

With 5: 2 intermittent fasting, people eat normally five days a week and fast on two days. The two fasting days should not follow each other, so choose Monday and Thursday for this, for example. Then there is the so-called "Alternate Day Fasting" – a method in which you alternate between fasting for one day and eating normally for one day.

With all three fasting methods, the body has adjusted to the new rhythm after about two weeks and there is no feeling of hunger during the fasting phases. In addition, most people do not feel more hungry than usual during the times when they are allowed to eat. This is how you lose weight without counting calories or having to do without your favorite foods.

Against the yo-yo effect

The great thing is that the rest breaks that you allow your body to lower your blood pressure and thus the risk of secondary diseases such as heart attacks. The blood sugar and thus the insulin level also decrease in the long term. Just paying attention to the food is not enough. So that the dreaded yo-yo effect does not occur, you can take the stairs and leave the elevator in the elevator. And if you get on your bike every now and then and leave the car behind, you are not only doing something good for yourself, but also for the environment.

If you have any health problems, you should consult a doctor in case of doubt. In healthy people, however, it can be assumed that intermittent fasting has a positive effect on body weight, health and well-being. Diabetics, pregnant women or people with an eating disorder should generally not fast.
