Lost Ark admits to being at an impasse over queues

Lost Ark can no longer increase the capacity of its servers. Lost Ark can no longer add new servers in the troubled European region. Lost Ark cannot offer character migration either, in the short term anyway.

Bad news for the players of Lost Ark : the game’s publisher announced on February 20 that its options are now limited to solve the problem of queues that form on European servers during peak hours – and which have still not been resolved for a week after the release of the MMORPG in the West.

Quick fixes are running out

Main lesson to be learned from the studio’s intervention: the capacities of the servers can no longer be extended to absorb the thousands of people who sometimes have to wait for hours before connecting in the evening: it is no longer possible or to accommodate new players on the servers, nor to deploy other servers in this region, which has 19.

This problem specifically affects the “Central Europe” region, which is the one that was launched as early as February 11 when the launch of Lost Ark (or from the 8th for those who have purchased a Founder’s pack). The other region devolved to the Old Continent, called “Western Europe”, is spared by these congestion phenomena. There are 8 additional servers for this zone.

“The Central Europe region is at capacity and there is no way to increase the number of players. »

Lost Ark

The Central Europe region is at capacity and unfortunately there is no way to increase the number of players per world in Central Europe. It is not possible to add additional servers due to the complexity of all the systems that must work together “Admits Smilegate RPG, which publishes the game with Amazon Games Studios.

The “Western Europe” region was launched in response to the stronger than estimated success of Lost Ark on the mainland, but this did not have a noticeable effect on the waiting time. Blame it on the fact that there is no automatic migration tool to fully transfer your character, progress and items from one server to another or from one region to another.

As a result, players are logically reluctant to start from scratch — and the more time passes, the greater the effort required to move to another server will be, because in the meantime the characters will have leveled up, acquired more objects and obtained sometimes very rare rewards. And the prospects are not encouraging in the short term.

The game is quite visually pleasing when you can connect to it. // Source: Screenshot

“We will not rest until we have exhausted all options”

Certainly, the studio has in the boxes a service to switch heroes from one server to another, but only South Korea is entitled to it. The fact is that the game version in Korea is much more advanced, because the title was released more than three years ago. Therefore, the technical bricks on which this version is based may not correspond to those used in the West.

The tool proposed in South Korea is in any case not a panacea: ” it is a weekly batch process that requires maintenance to run. It also does not support cross-region features [ce qui aurait été décisif, NDLR]. That’s why, alas, it’s not a viable option at this point for the Western version. “.

So what next? ” We won’t rest until we’ve exhausted all options », promises the publisher, even if he doesn’t seem to be able to do much more with the cards he has in hand: the servers are announced as full, we can’t add more in the regions under pressure, the transfer of heroes is not possible and the “power passes” are ineffective.

In fact, the most effective short-term solution to Lost Ark, given what is announced, would be, and it is paradoxical, to count on a relative lack of interest in the title to relieve the pressure on the servers. And for that, the releases of a new major patch of World of Warcraft and D’Elden Ringtwo fantasy universes close to Los Ark, could play a role.

For further

Source: Screenshot

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