Lost Ark loses one of its pillars… What can we expect for the rest of the game?

As you surely know, the MMORPG Lost Ark was created by Smilegate RPG and then exported internationally thanks to the precious help (and funds) ofAmazon Games. However, the brand manager, Mike Frazzinihas just resigned in order to be able to “focus on family”. But when the game has just landed in Europe, what does this mean for him?

The end of an era

Mike Frazzini, now a former director of Amazon Games, was present from the start of the brand. He joined Amazon in 2004, in a branch of the company dedicated to books. According to Bloombergseveral employees of Amazon Games had criticized Frazzini for his lack of experience in the field of video games.

According to them, he wanted to make games from Amazon Games projects “billions of dollars”without really understanding the basics of video games. The director had witnessed the birth of several of the brand’s flagship games, such as New World in 2021 or the arrival of Lost Ark internationally in 2022.

New World was a brief success when it was released, with over 913,000 simultaneous players at the end of September. Success that has gradually run out of steam, especially as the release of Lost Ark approaches. The latter has been the center of attention since its release and has charmed MMORPG fans around the world.

But while the game is at its peak, what does this sudden departure of the director of Amazon Games mean for Lost Ark?

The future of Lost Ark

A former manager of Amazon Games studios also told Bloomberg (still), that his lack of experience in this very complex industry was “a real weak point” for the company. It is quite possible that, now, the next director of the branch really focuses on what would be essential to the game, rather than on his income.

Of course, within Amazon Games, Mike Frazzini was not the only one to make the decisions concerning the game itself as well as the release of the various contents. There is no doubt that teams of video game specialists greatly assisted him, although the director had the last word. However, an expert in the matter will only be beneficial for the future of Lost Ark.

Lost Ark

However, it is true that Amazon Games is not the only one in charge of the development of the game. The decisions will have to be shared by Smilegate RPG. With Amazon responsible for Lost Ark internationally, its roadmap is likely to be reassessed and adapted in the interest of the players and the game.


Which region did players like the least in Lost Ark? This is what a survey published recently on the subReddit dedicated to the MMOAPRG of Smilegate RPG tries to reveal, and the results are surprising to say the least: the Luteran is not even the most hated of all!

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