Lottie Moss encouraged to take drugs? The revelations of Kate Moss’ little sister are chilling

At 24, the sublime Lottie Moss leads a real fight against drugs. After a stay in treatment to fight against her addiction to cocaine, the little sister of Kate Moss has made shocking revelations about the consumption of drugs and alcohol in the modeling world!

I was given drugs and alcohol during photo shoots“: This is one of the scary phrases that Lottie said in the podcast call her daddy to denounce the excesses of the fashion industry. The young woman explained that she was encouraged to take drugs when she was tired on certain events and parades. “I thought it was normal to make myself exhausted at parties and that was the only way to get over it“said the Briton.

Most of the time I showed up on set and I wasn’t happy, I didn’t want to do it, I started to cry and they said ‘we’ll get you some drugs, you can have a drink and then you’ll be fine’, she added before continuing, it was a bit like this I was told ‘you will do this shoot, it doesn’t matter if you are sober or not, you will do it’

A feeling of abandonment

Lottie recently spent a month in rehab to heal from her mental health issues and cocaine addiction. She wishes the drugs weren’t”normalized” in the fashion industry and in the world of entertainment. More generally, the one who has been immersed in the world of fashion since her childhood, regrets that this environment is not benevolent. Also she remembered a trip in Rome where, as she cried, she was ordered to get ready in haste.”I don’t think many people cared about my well-being, I have to be honest.”

The young woman finally returned to the pressures she suffered as the sister of Kate Moss, declaring that she had been encouraged many times to “losing weight” and has a complex developed on its height of 1m65.

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