Louane drugged without knowing it in a bar? The singer files a complaint


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Louane reportedly felt “strange symptoms” after having a drink in a Parisian bar on Monday June 13. Thinking she had been drugged, she filed a complaint at the police station.

It is a well-known and feared scourge of festive evenings. GHBmore commonly known as date rape drugdo some hundreds of victims every year. The singer Louane could be part of it. As reported The Parisian this Tuesday, June 14, she actually suspects of having been unknowingly druggedMonday, June 13 in the evening, while she had a drink with his daughter Esme’s nanny at a bar in the Montmartre district, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. According to the newspaper, the two women would have consumed only one drink, were alone at a table they haven’t left and were not joined by anyone.

During the evening, Louane began to feel “strange symptomssuch as vomiting, nausea and dizziness, a police source told the Parisian and to 20 minutes. staggering, Louane somehow managed to get home, his home being not far from the bar in question. The 25-year-old then immediately called doctor who, after examining her, quickly concluded that GHB poisoning. He would therefore have strongly advised him to go to a police station in order to have a requisition for a blood test.

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An investigation has been opened

After being received at the 8th arrondissement police station, Louane was directed to that of the 17th arrondissement. The low, the young mother filed a complaint and immediately took a blood test. The results, which are not yet known, will reveal whether or not there are traces of GHB in the performer’s blood. Give me your heart. You must know that GHB disappears from the blood after six to eight hours and in the urine after eight to twelve hours. A police investigation has been openedhas indicated The Parisianand was entrusted to the police station of the 17th arrondissement of Paris.

Josephine de Rubercy

Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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