Louis of Cambridge at the jubilee: revelations about his much too cute exchange with Elizabeth II

He stole the show from everyone. Prince Louis, 4-year-old youngest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton, was very agitated during the Queen’s Jubilee Elizabeth II from Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June. His behavior greatly amused the observers, who did not fail to notice his little moment of complicity with his great-grandmother on the first day of the festivities.

While Thursday June 2 marked the start of the Platinum Jubilee with the Trooping the Color parade and the appearance of the royal family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, Prince Louis, too cute in his little outfit, did not wonder only one thing, whether The Red Arrows (Royal Air Force aerobatic patrol) were coming. A question that he hastened to ask the sovereign, who replied with a “I hope“. The planes finally appeared in the sky a few moments later, causing the little boy to be delighted. “Yes Yes Yes !”, he rejoiced, before turning to his great-grandmother, who replied: “That’s it”. A discussion far too crisp, dissected by Jeremy, Freeman, an expert in lip reading, requested by the Mirror to decipher this conversation.

In addition to this sequence, which did not fail to melt Internet users, Elizabeth II was seen several times sketching a few smiles at her great-grandson, despite her difficulty in staying in place. Because yes, despite his airs of an innocent little boy, Prince Louis has not always been very wise during this jubilee, multiplying grimaces, cries and dances to amuse the gallery. Kate Middleton had to intervene more than once to try to calm little Louis down. Princess Charlotte also did not hesitate to play moms by scolding her little brother.

It’s hard for them. They are all young… it’s a long time”, had expressed in particular the former rugby player Mike Tindall in order to explain the attitude of the little boy. Be that as it may, Prince Louis was assuredly, and beyond dispute, the true star of the jubilee, almost stealing the show from her great-grandmother. The villain !

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