Louis Sarkozy married: Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla Bruni and Cécilia Attias gathered for the big day

After five years of love, Louis Sarkozy got married to Natali Husic. For the occasion, Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla Bruni and Cécilia Attias were gathered in Gordes, in the Vaucluse.

It was time for celebration and love in the Sarkozy family! This Saturday, September 24, Louis Sarkozy married his partner, Natali Husic. While the ceremony was announced for next October, the lovers finally went before the mayor a few weeks in advance, as revealed Provence. It is in the hall of honor of the Château de Gordes in the Vaucluse that the youngest of the former President of the Republic said “yes” for life to the Montenegrin model. For this big day, Louis Sarkozy was able to count on the presence of members of his family. Thus, Nicolas Sarkozy was obviously present as was the mother of the groom, Cécilia Attias. By their side, Carla Bruni posed with her daughter, Giulia.

On his Facebook account, the mayor of the town was delighted with this union and shared several photos. On these, we can notably discover the Sarkozy family on its 31, just like the bride and groom, competing in elegance. For his wedding, Louis Sarkozy had bet on gray pants and a black double-breasted jacket while Natali Husic looked stunning in a cream suit that suited her perfectly. “Wedding of Louis Sarkozy and Natali Husic in Gordes. Congratulations to the newlyweds! After the arrival of Mrs. Pompidou (as First Lady) to inaugurate the Vasarely museum in 1970, and the acquisition by François Mitterand of a property in our village in 1972, Gordes still receives a former President of the Republic in the Hall of Honor of the Castle…”wrote Richard Kitaeff.

Louis Sarkozy: who is his wife, Natali Husic?

As a reminder, Louis Sarkozy and Natali Husic have been in a relationship since 2017. It was that year that the young man formalized his relationship on Instagram. We could notably discover on social networks the ex of Capucine Anav playing a melody on the guitar for his dear and tender. Since, the couple lives in the United States, Natali holds a position at the Business Council for International Understandingt in Washington after having studied relations and foreign affairs at the University of New York but also theater, her passion for many years. She has indeed taken classes at the film school, the New York Film Academy. At the same time, Natali Husic is a pianist, actress and composer. Icing on the cake: she speaks five languages.

If he left France for the United States, Louis Sarkozy remains very close to his family. In 2019, the young man had also written a book with his mother, Cécilia Attias. And the two are particularly close. In February 2019 in particular, Louis Sarkozy published an op-ed in the Washington Examiner in which he pleaded for the “complete legalization of drugs” in the USA. A well-argued text that had aroused many reactions, including that of his mother. “It exploded in France when I absolutely did not expect it. In the space of one night, there were around fifty articles (…), commented the son of Nicolas Sarkozy in Vice. The detractors were mainly people who thought that I had no legitimacy to broach this subject, that it was none of my business.”

Louis Sarkozy: “I received the unconditional support of my mother”

And Louis Sarkozy was able to count on a strong supporter… that of his mother, Cécilia Attias. “I received the unconditional support of my mother, as always by the way, confided the young groom in the columns of Vice. Some of my friends told me that the subject was a bit too sensitive. But it is precisely because it is a sensitive subject that we must talk about it.” At the time, Louis Sarkozy made very rare confidences about his father. “To be completely honest, I have a very personal relationship with my father, he explained. His life is politics, and I can’t bother him about that. Our political conversations are almost non-existent, and that’s fine. We talk a lot more about football and PSG.”

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