Love Angel Number: This is your zodiac sign’s lucky love number

You know that for sure: Do you happen to always look at the clock at the same time? Do you keep noticing the same numbers in everyday life? Sometimes it’s almost scary how certain numbers accumulate? Then you may encounter the so-called Angel Numbers again and again. Their meaning is hotly debated. Some say coincidence or confirmation bias, i.e. a kind of cognitive distortion that leads to us wanting to have what we already believe confirmed. Others suspect far more behind the numbers, namely insights into their relationship, love, job and happiness.

According to numerology, they are a sign of the universe. Above all, numbers consisting of three identical digits, the so-called Angel Numbers (e.g. 111, 222, 333, etc.) are given a particularly important meaning. Because, similar to horoscopes, they are considered a species guide through life. A guide that the universe puts at our side.

Where do the Love Angel Numbers come from?

The principle comes from numerology – a practice dealing with the Connections between numbers and people – their souls, their character, their way of life. The ancient Egyptians, Babylonians and Maya were already convinced that Numbers have great power. Each number therefore has a unique vibration that gives it certain properties. If a number comes in a trio, it acts like an amplifier and underlines its meaning. We explain which magic number belongs to your zodiac sign and what it means. Just click through our gallery.

Are you interested in other topics related to astrology, spirituality and horoscopes? Then have a look at our horoscope section and let yourself be inspired.



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