Love at first sight: reality or myth?

love at first sight
Reality or Myth? That’s behind it

© Oleggg / Shutterstock

Love at first sight – some have already experienced it, others may only know it from films. Find out what is behind the myth here.

It is probably the most romantic moment a couple could wish for: looks that electrify, the feeling of meeting someone special and this insane attraction that cannot be explained … in short: love at first sight. How can it be that some are so lucky and others are not? We’re getting to the bottom of it.

Is there love at first sight?

It happened to me immediately“,”we looked each other in the eye and immediately knew that we belonged together“,”it made bang“- well, do any of these statements sound familiar to you? This is how people like to describe their first encounter with their sweetheart – and how they felt their love at first sight.

What is often described as such a magical moment is unfortunately biologically less romantic than it is about physical attraction. There is still no trace of love as we normally understand it (ie of course not that it cannot become true love). The external attractiveness plays the main role in this case. And: Similarities encourage falling in love. This also applies to other areas such as education and income.

7 clear signs of love: man and woman hold each other's little fingers

Did it catch you 6 signs that speak for it

Biology or not: According to a survey by Zalando, 76 percent of women and 73 percent of men believe in love at first sight. The symptoms? 6 signs you got it:

  1. You are incredibly nervous around him / her.
  2. You feel inexplicably familiar with him or her.
  3. You keep thinking about this person now and again.
  4. You absolutely want to see him or her again as soon as possible.
  5. You feel: this time everything is different!
  6. You have never seen it like this before.

You can do that now

If you only have eyes for each other, only one of you has to take the first step now. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a flirt expert! Here we show you how to learn to flirt. The most important thing is that you stay yourself – and a little nervousness is kind of personable …

Love at first sight despite a relationship

You fell in love with someone in a flash, what can you do now? First of all: wait and see! Since it’s not necessarily about being in love or even really about love, you should first step on the brakes. Sleep on it for a couple of nights and see what happens – is it still that great then?

This is also advisable if you are already in a relationship. Question your crush, but above all you and your situation, very precisely:

  • Are you in a crisis in the relationship?
  • Do you feel constricted?
  • Do you miss the variety?

Find out if you are missing something in the relationship or if you are looking for a distraction because things are not going so well with your partner at the moment. Love at first sight does not necessarily lead to great love – because there is more to it than just the first magical moment. Trust, security and care mean much more to a relationship than a brief – albeit exciting – attraction. And throwing away a valuable relationship for a moment is definitely not what you want in life.

Or is it the other way around – is your crush taken? If so, your chances are definitely slim and you should get him or her out of your mind as soon as possible. These tips will help you when you’re unhappily in love.

Wasn’t he the right one? Love at first sight may seem magical, but in the end it depends on something else in the relationship. And let’s be honest, love at second sight or slow love also have their advantages – and are romantic in their own way.

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