Love compatibility: do you know synastry?

At the beginning of an idyll, we often try to find out if love compatibility is there. Compatibility of first names, astrological compatibility… The list is long! Focus on the discipline that assesses love compatibility through the study of astro signs: synastry.

What if we told you that in Love, “everything is written”? That it was enough to raise your head a little and look at the sky, not to daydream about the loved one, but to try to find out if there is compatibility ? The Cartesians will say that it is a funny idea; however, an entire discipline is dedicated to it: astrology, and more precisely, synastry. Synastry is therefore thestudy of the astrological compatibility between two people. Amorous, friendly, family, professional: all relational spheres can be analyzed.

To study all this, the professionals will in fact analyze your horoscope (1) and that of your partner; distinctly at first, then jointly. They will then compare them; superimpose them; see the points on which you are similar or different, evaluate your affinities and points of disagreement, and ultimately judge your compatibility. These are in particular the planetary aspects (2) of the two themes that astrologers will dissect and confront: namely, the dynamics and relationships between the different planets, their “relational” in the two charts of the Sky. Thus, when certain planets get along well, or when others are in conflict, they give us either facilities or difficulties to fulfill ourselves in the areas of life – including love.

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Synastry: much more than a compatibility of astro solar signs

From these planetary agreements or misunderstandings therefore arise the agreements and misunderstandings between the two lovers. Thanks to this age-old divinatory art, we can know if the couple is “cosmically” compatible, if it is the scene of a meeting between two soul mates, or if the relationship is karmic. In general, we only focus on the sun sign compatibility. We think that if we have opposite sun signs, we are complementary ; if you have similar signs, you are particularly compatible with your partner. Therefore, in the quest for love, we will be interested either in its total opposite, or in its perfect double. ; according to a logic of “opposites attract” or of “Birds of a feather flock together”.

Example: if I am Aries, I am logically compatible with:
> Libra: who are my exact opposite in the wheel of the zodiac, and complementary to my element since they are an Air sign
> Leos: who are of the same element as me, Fire, and therefore have characteristics similar to mine

If there is any truth to it, reducing astrological compatibility to just this solar dimension would be wrong. These sun signs only represent our “ego” (in the astrological sense of the word), our self radiating outwards and our success. Other cosmic elements and other planets are to be taken into account.

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Getting started with synastry: the cosmic elements to look at to judge basic compatibility

  • Moon sign compatibility

To analyze the compatibility between two cosmic beings in a basic way, we can start with compare their moon signs and ascendants. The moon sign says a lot about how we receive, feel and manage our emotions. So, if your moon sign is a water sign and your partner’s is an earth sign, you might have some difficulty understanding each other or communicating on an emotional level.

For example, a Capricorn is less quick to identify, digest and/or express their emotions than a Pisces who will be an expert in the matter. The first will find it difficult to express his needs; the second much less, which could clead to tensions within the couple : the expectations of the first not being identified or verbalized by himself, they will not necessarily be fulfilled by his partner, who cannot necessarily guess them. Moreover, they will not necessarily have the same language of love: a proof of affection from one could be perceived as derisory by the other. A romantic relationship between a Moon sign in Pisces and a Moon sign in Cancer/Scorpio will work better: they have a similar way of managing their emotions and expressing their needs to the other in the relationship.

In addition to the sun or the moon, other stars play a strategic role in our cosmic loves: these are Venus and of March.

According to Mathilde Fachan, Venus is essential to the analysis of our relationship with the couple and our love compatibility: it is she who weaves the emotional and romantic ties. This Planet of Air “embodies the values ​​defined by your affinities and your sensitivity (…) your personal values, but also those you seek in others”, she writes in her book*. Roughly speaking, the placement of Venus determines what one values and what we are looking for in our other half. We must therefore see if the Venuses are compatible: see if the other has the values ​​we are looking for, if we ourselves meet the latter’s criteria… and vice versa.

For example, if your Venus is placed in the sign of Virgo and that of your lover is in Sagittarius, love compatibility can be jeopardized (3). On the contrary, if your two Venuses are placed in the same sign (4), compatibility is facilitated and maximized, since it means that in love, you are both looking for the same thing in your partners.

As for Mars, this Star of War actually concerns the sexuality: it represents the way of expressing “the libido, the urge to conquer and take.”* Mars conditions the way we enjoy and thrive sexually, and by extension, the sexual compatibility of the two lovers.

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Love compatibility in astrology: the role of the Houses in love and in the couple

In addition to the planets mentioned earlier, the creator of the podcast Z comme Zodiaque directs us to other lesser known but essential to look at in our chart of the Sky: the Houses. The Houses actually represent the areas of life, the different workshops of our existence and the universal themes that we will experiment and work on throughout our presence on Earth.

On the love side, it is thus on the House VII that it is necessary above all to concentrate. Indeed, this house is devoted to our partnerships, our collaborations, and our various associations with others; it is the House of “We are” rather than “I am”. It concerns all types of relationships with individuals. In public opinion, it is generally presented as the “Marriage House”.

In particular, we must look which of our signs are placed in this House VII (in ours and that of our partner) to judge the level of compatibility between the two cosmic beings. If many of your planets are placed in House VII of your lover, the romantic relationship has a good chance of lasting!

The astrologer completes by adding House V and House VIII: their themes are crucial in our relationship to Love with a capital A. House V is that of creation, pleasures, passion, romance; that of “I like”. It refers to the way we do things only out of pure love, “for the beauty of the gesture”*. On the carnal side, it concerns sexual activity seen from the angle of play, pursuit of pleasure for pleasure.

House VIII is the House of “We (dis)own”, of (de)possession; in short, the “House of Death” in the collective imagination. Concretely, it refers to the change, transformation and rebirth of the individual following the various crises and challenges of life. On the sexual aspect, House VIII represents the “Little death”THE feeling alive through the physical and emotional sensations generated by coitus. It can designate “power games”, domination or submission (consented) to the other, but also concern the mystical expression of our desire (tantrism). For example, if many of your celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, or Venus) are concentrated in House VIII of your lover, you may experience a strong sexual attraction Hello.

To judge a love compatibility, astrologers remind us that we must not only rely on the dynamics and relationships between the stars: we must also question ourselves about what we want, what we expect from love. , what we look for in our romantic partner. In life, there is room for free will as much as for astrology!

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(1) As a reminder, the horoscope “captures” the precise position of the stars at the time of our birth: it helps us to understand our personality, our faults, our qualities, our way of managing our emotions, of presenting ourselves to others, of interacting and of acting in the World.

(2) In astrology, the planets help us to radiate and to succeed (or not) in our missions. THE planetary aspects designate the relationships between the different planets. These can be of several types, according to the distance between them in the map of the sky. This distance is measured in degrees. The six majority planetary aspects are: conjunction, trine, sextile, square, opposition. The first three are fluid relationships, the last two are conflicting relationships.

(3) This is a planetary relationship of conjunction (the distance between the two planets is almost non-existent, between 0° and 7°): the planets concerned are inseparable, they join forces to help you achieve optimal results in the area of ​​life concerned

(4) In astrological jargon, we speak of a relationship of edge (the distance separating the planets being 40°): the relationship between the planets is conflictual, there is no agreement.

*Astro Map, Draw your sky map, discover your potential, write your own storyMathilde Fachan, SOLAR Editions2020

**Astro Love, Get to know yourself better through astrology for a fulfilling love lifeShana Lyès, Harlequin2021

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