Love compatibility: the question to ask

/ Psycho / Love & Couple / Love compatibility: this question will tell if it's the right person

How do you know right away if your date has the potential to become your other half? According to the American psychologist Robert J. Maurer, one question would be enough to bring you the answer!

by Helena Ergisi

It is not always easy to know if you have come across the right person on the first date. Even if the "classic" questions that we exchange allow us to know a little more, they do not really allow us to know if a love story is possible. But according to American psychologist Robert J. Maurer, there is only one question that would determine his love compatibility: "How is it that someone as wonderful as you are still single?". This would make it possible to immediately identify the personality of the person in question, and it must be admitted that it is rather very useful!

Identify the person with a question

For the psychologist, this question would indeed be a reliable indicator of the "future health of a relationship"If he leaves us a bit skeptical, the professional advises to be particularly vigilant on the following points:"When the person talks about their past history, does he consider himself responsible because he chose his partner badly? Or does she think she doesn't have enough cards in her hand at this point in her life? Does she consider the failure of the relationship to be her fault? ". Basically, the goal is to know if the person in front of you is assuming his responsibilities or if, on the contrary, he is fleeing them.

The importance of acknowledging responsibility

If your interlocutor clears himself of all responsibility and places himself in the position of victim, then this is a bad sign. To make it work, "you have to look for someone who can challenge yourself to target the problem and find solutions, nothing is more necessary for a relationship to work "explains Robert J. Maurer. For the psychologist, acknowledging mistakes is the basis of a healthy and lasting relationship. A relationship cannot last if you are not able to question yourself. "It is difficult to make an effort to 'fix' when you consider that each problem is the fault of the other person", he adds. Now you know everything!

See also: Recognize a man in love: all the signs that do not deceive!

Video by Nadia Vaillant