Love Halloween but hate being scared? These 7 games will be perfect for you!

Just because you like the horror genre doesn’t mean you like being surprised by screaming monsters and ghosts around every corner.

When we talk about modern horror games, we tend to think of the classics of recent years: Outlastthem Amnesia, them PTlike (hello it’s me again), but there are many games of the genre that will terrify you without making you jump and haunt you without causing you panic attacks.

So for Halloween, long live the puzzles, the platforms, the horrific adventures, but without jumpscare please.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a narrative adventure game that will grip you no matter how you choose to interpret the story. Be careful, the story, which has its very horrific moments, is also full of suffering and pain. So be careful, if you’re sensitive right now, maybe it’s best to move on with this game.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter was released 8 years ago, but it’s still a remarkable viewing experience. The graphics are very successful, the soundtrack does its job very well, and the atmosphere is inimitable.

It is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Little Nightmares 1 & 2

You certainly know Little Nightmares, the first opus like the second. If the gameplay is quite successful, it is above all the graphic identity that makes all the charm of the game. The monsters, like the scenery, have a kind of disturbing familiarity: the levels resemble real everyday places, and the monsters look like misshapen, unwell versions of real people.

Be careful though, if there are no screamers in Little Nightmares, you will be chased more than once by its unsavory enemies, and the mechanic can be stressful and/or anxiety-provoking.

Little Nightmares 1 and 2 are available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


We have already spoken ofOxenfree in one (or two) previous selection of must-watch games, and for good reason, the story is very interesting — and scary, and the game looks very pretty. So no jumpscare for Oxenfree, but a small ARG dimension that won’t bite worms that will delight fans, even 6 years after its release.

For those unfamiliar with the term, ARG stands for Alternate Reality Game (or alternate reality game in French), that is to say — in this case at least — that certain elements of the history of Oxenfree are based on the real world and use it as a platform. Okay, the explanation is not very clear, but if you are interested, do not hesitate to take a look.

Oxenfree is available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. In addition, a sequel is in development.

Alan Wake Remastered

Alan Wake looks like a horror movie based on a Stephen King story. No screamers then, but a very psychological thriller atmosphere and “fights” against “monsters” straight from your imagination (or not?). The experience can be stressful, the anxiety comes mainly from the atmosphere in general and the super immersive environment.

Alan Wake Remastered is available on Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Xbox Series X and Series S, and PC. And if you liked it, you can always test control takes place in the same mysterious universe. Attention, we cannot guarantee the absence of jumpscare in Control.


Only 100% cyberpunk game on the list — which is a style, it must be recognized, quite underrepresented in the horror genre — Observe is a thriller/detective: no fights strictly speaking but an investigation with puzzles to solve, all with the fantastic voice of the late Rutger Hauer (yes, the villain in Blade Runner!) who embodies the hero.

Observer is developed by Bloober Teamwhich we all reach around the corner for the remake of Silent Hill 2

Honorable Mentions (available in English only!)

If you like Japanese horror and the name of Junji Ito makes you everything, World of Horror is made for you. Players will be tasked with preventing the impending end of the world by battling lots of different creatures within various stories in old-school turn-based combat.

The visual identity is incredible and the illustrations are really awkward, but nothing will jump out at you, rest assured. World of Horror is however (and unfortunately) available in English only. If you are an English speaker and all this inspires you, go for it without hesitation.

World of Horror is available on Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC.

World of Horror

Stories Untold - Millenium
Stories Untold

Stories Untold is an episodic collection of interactive horror stories. In one of the episodes, “The House Abandon”, (the best, in our opinion), you play a text adventure on a CRT screen, and the actions you take in the game happen in the house around you… Super efficient. We will not say much more, because if the game interests you, it is better to play it without knowing anything, because the experience will only be more successful.

Stories Untold is quite one of a kind, but it too is unfortunately in English only. It is developed by the independent studio NoCodewho is currently working on Silent Hill Townfall ! Suffice to say that we are quite impatient.

Stories Untold is available at Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The spookiest party of the year is right around the corner and if you still haven’t found your perfect Halloween costume, we’ve got some ideas. Here is something to inspire you with the most charismatic video game villains and above all, easily cosplayable!


Who says end of October says Halloween! A favorable period that allows streamers and content creators to have fun with the horror party. This is again the case of Squeezie, who definitely does not stop the project machine.

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