Love horoscope: A turbulent weekend is ahead of these zodiac signs

love horoscope
A turbulent weekend awaits these zodiac signs


From Friday, all zodiac signs can get ready for lots of love vibes from the universe. With some zodiac signs it crackles particularly strongly. Others, however, put their relationships to the test.

Attention, it will be emotional, soulful and turbulent! Already on Friday we start into a weekend that can hold one or the other tingling encounter in store. Venus and Uranus meet in the sextile, which means: love energy meets the power of new beginnings. A constellation that offers the chance of great love, but also puts what already exists to the test. This can mean a rollercoaster ride of emotions for some, but also great luck for others. So be sure to keep your eyes open and bravely jump over your own shadow if the opportunity arises. We’ll tell you here which zodiac signs are particularly busy when it comes to love matters.


Venus, the goddess of love in her own sign, has been fueling romantic longings for some time. Maybe that’s why you’re questioning your relationship, wondering whether it’s still suitable for you or whether you can’t expect more from love. You might find an answer to that on Friday. It is worth taking a close look and taking seriously what is happening in love. Both in one direction and in the other.


The Virgo feels the need to live out and let go more in love affairs for a good longer time. At the weekend you should therefore trust your gut feeling and follow the impulses that the universe sends you. Hold on to the people in your life who inspire and fulfill you. Your sensuality can finally take up the space it has been demanding for a long time. Jump over your shadow! And if that last bit of courage is still missing, lucky planet Jupiter will send you an additional self-confidence boost that will make it a lot easier for you.


What are your deepest needs? What do you need in relationships? What’s missing right now? These questions come to the surface in Scorpio at the weekend, while Friday’s Venus-Uranus sextile offers an excellent opportunity to bring yourself back into focus and detach from what’s not good for you. This holds a lot of potential for you to grow and to develop with the person who should be most important to you: yourself. And according to the law of attraction, exactly those people will come into your life who vibe just like you .Look forward to the weekend, love yourself and wait for it!


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