Love is in the meadow: Karine Le Marchand very upset against a “so hated” contender

Love is in the meadow is above all a benevolent program, but it has unfortunately happened that some do not respect it. The passage of Annick, one of Thierry’s contenders in 2015, made an impression, but not in the best way.

While the 17th season of Love is in the meadow is approaching with its launch on August 22 on M6, Karine Le Marchand talks about Thierry’s new participation in an interview with Cable Sat. In the new issue of the magazine released this Monday, August 15, 2022, the famous host reports that the small dishes have been put in the big ones for the return of Thierry, still not marked by the bad intentions of Annick, in search of notoriety more than of love.

We stayed close, with Thierry. He was very accompanied by the former producer and the shrink of the show. Deep inside us, I believe, there was guilt“, admits first Karine Le Marchand. “Today, it wouldn’t happen again. We would take the girl (Annick, editor’s note) out of the program before the end. She was hated so much because she made fun of Thierry and just wanted to go to the TV that it served as a lesson“, recognizes the host. “Since then, we haven’t had this type of person on the show.she welcomes. No girl has made a career or became a star thanks to Love is in the meadow and that’s good. This show is anti-reality TV.

I lay alone on the bed crying

Following the terrible disappointment he had experienced because of Annick, Thierry confided in himself on several occasions. It had been very difficult for the farmer to go up the slope, so much his heart had been broken. Following this painful story, he had lost 17 kilos. “It was love at first sight, the top of the pyramid. I still tell myself that I could never have someone better than her, that doesn’t exist (…) When she left, I gave her my heart. It was hard ! And I wasn’t pretending. I lay alone on the bed crying for over three hours“, had confided the farmer during the assessment. Karine Le Marchand had even been very afraid for him. “Thierry, we have him on the phone every week. He dined almost every Saturday with the producer and we had to relieve him. For months he was in the fourth basement and we were very afraid for himself. It’s been very far“, she explained during her visit to the show The Great Media Live on Europe 1.

Let’s hope that Thierry lives much more positively this new participation in Love is in the meadow

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