Love is in the meadow: Undressed in public, hair cut, a suitor lived through hell

Beauty can’t be eaten in a salad already. And I don’t necessarily want people to judge me on how pretty I look. I haven’t always been the superficial girl. Besides, I’m still not, it’s still an aspect that I give. Before I was 30 kilos heavier, so self-esteem was obviously not the same thing. And if I haven’t found, it’s because I shouldn’t have found. I trust fate“, had revealed Noemie, companion of Guillaume in Love is in the meadow.

A physical change that allowed her to gain confidence which was not easy for the young woman since she suffered violence and humiliation at school. In the first part of the balance sheet of Love is in the meadow, already visible on Salto and broadcast Monday, November 7 on M6, the beautiful Ch’ti confided in the school harassment she suffered. “They stripped me naked in the playground, they cut my hair“, she launched in front of the hallucinated host. And to continue: “It got so bad that I didn’t want to go to school anymore. My mother went out of her way to change schools, to make things better.“.

If Noemie “begins to accept itself little by little“, she is above all happy to see that her relationship is working with her farmer. Nevertheless, during the assessment, she chose to warn him and her words earned her the applause of Karine Le Marchand. “I accept the fact that it takes him more time to express things and to be able to understand his feelings, but afterwards he has to verbalize, I could not always be in giving without receiving. If he takes all my energy and I find myself always waiting for something, it’s not healthy.“, she said.

Guillaume, who finds it difficult to express his feelings, is therefore warned. And beware of him, if once again, he forgets, for example, his partner’s birthday. This big blunder had hurt her couple but she had forgiven him. Not sure she would be so indulgent another time…

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