“Love is in the meadow”: why are Patrice’s parents worried? : Current Woman Le MAG

Viewers became strongly attached to Patrice, the Norman farmer who burst into tears during his speed dating, consumed by stress. In any case, he quickly recovered because after a few days on the farm, his choice quickly fell on Justine. They even exchanged their first kiss in the episode broadcast on Monday October 16, 2023. It seems that they had a real crush on each other. In the episode which will be broadcast on Monday October 23, 2023, but already available on 6playMax, Justine arrives at Patrice’s with all her boxes. A step which greatly worries the farmer’s parents, who consider this decision too hasty. In addition, Patrice’s lover is quite directive, which does not necessarily please those close to the farmer.

A decision considered hasty for Patrice’s parents

Arriving with his boxes, Justine quickly feels at homemaybe a little too much? “Now she’s no longer the mistress of the house, it’s me” she replies to Patrice’s father, the latter telling her that she was sitting in the chair normally reserved for the mother. Justine was also very authoritarian when it came to arranging the boxes.. “There is one who wants to finish, but I don’t want to. You see, now I have to pick up the boxes twice […] whereas if they had done it slowly…” she complains. When she asks for a break, the father refuses. “He’s going to fall on a bone if he thinks I’m going to give up so quickly.” she retorts on camera. A behavior that worries the farmer’s parents. They are afraid that the decision will be a little hasty. “It’s quick, we’ll see” they comment. Even Patrice asks himself the question given the attitude of the woman who turned his life upside down. “She needs to impose herself a little less at home, to be a little gentler” he said. Will Patrice let himself be overwhelmed by Justine’s behavior? Or will he succeed in winning? Answer in the next episodes of Love is in the meadow.

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