Loyal supporters of Trump: Capitol Storm: Top Republicans don’t want to talk

Loyal supporter of Trump
Capitol Storm: Top Republicans Don’t Want To Talk

Shortly before the attack on the US Capitol, Kevin McCarthy was in contact with Donald Trump. He is considered a supporter of the then president. A year later, the committee investigating the incidents wants to question the Republican about Trump’s plans. But McCarthy waves it away – and complains about the “abuse of power”.

The Republican minority leader in the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, does not want to be questioned by the committee of inquiry into the storming of the US Capitol a year ago. The committee is not conducting a legitimate investigation, McCarthy wrote in a statement. Nancy Pelosi, as chairman of the House of Representatives, had rejected the Republican members he had named for the body in an unprecedented manner, McCarthy gave as the reason. The committee’s sole aim is to harm its political opponents, he added.

The committee wanted to question McCarthy because the MP had spoken directly to then-President Donald Trump during the January 6, 2021 attack, as the panel had previously stated. In addition, McCarthy had close contact with his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, in the days before. McCarthy could also provide insights into Trump’s mood and plans after the attack. The House Committee did not summon McCarthy, but asked him to volunteer to cooperate.

Loyal follower of Trump

“As a MP and spokesman for the minority party, I have not decided, with either regret or satisfaction, not to participate in the abuse of power by this special committee that is tainting this institution today and will damage it in the future,” McCarthy continued. He is considered a loyal follower of Trump – however, immediately after the attack, he was also one of the few in his own camp who openly criticized him. McCarthy said he had also called Trump during the forcible storming of the Capitol and asked him to convince his supporters to turn back.

Trump supporters had stormed the seat of the US Congress in Washington to prevent the confirmation of the election victory of the Democrat Joe Biden. Five people were killed and dozen injured in the attack. The attack on the heart of US democracy rocked the country. Trump does not admit his electoral defeat to this day.

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