Lucas Cordalis: He would like to talk to Costa Cordalis about that

In 2019 Lucas Cordalis had to say goodbye to his father Costa Cordalis. In one place in particular, his spirit is still “ubiquitous”.

Lucas Cordalis (54) was on stage for the first time in 1997, and 25 years later the son of hit legend Costa Cordalis (1944-2019) is still successful in the music business. Lucas Cordalis, his new album, will be released on July 22nd. It features a song that the 54-year-old dedicated to his late father.

Lucas Cordalis still thinks of him very often. “I would love to talk to him about current issues,” explains Daniela Katzenberger’s (35) husband in an interview with the news agency spot on news. In addition, the musician talks about the musical ambitions of his daughter Sophia (6), the secret of his functioning marriage and reveals whether the family living in Mallorca will ever move to Germany again.

You stood on stage for the first time 25 years ago. What does the anniversary mean to you? Did you think back then that you would stay in business for so long?

Lucas Cordalis: I’m not usually a big fan of anniversaries, although 25 years is quite a number. There is also something wonderful associated with this: celebrating 25 years of happy moments together with the audience. That means a lot to me. Being able to stay in the music business for so long is a blessing, I know that. But you shouldn’t live with too many doubts either, you always have to start the new day positively. As long as it makes me and of course the fans happy, it will continue.

You dedicated the song “Promised that it will go on” to your late father. Do you still think of him often?

Cordalis: Yes, I think about my father a lot. My recording studio is at my parents’ house and I visit my mother almost every day. His spirit is of course still omnipresent there. I also miss him a lot at my shows.

Is there anything you wish you would have said to your father?

Cordalis: Fortunately, my father and I were actually able to discuss all the important issues in life while we were still alive. Of course I also told him that I love him and vice versa, which is actually the most important thing. I would very much like to talk to him about current issues because he always saw things from a very special perspective thanks to his balanced and wise manner. I would be very interested in how he assesses current events.

Being the son of a famous singer hasn’t always been easy for you, has it?

Cordalis: Who always has it easy? I think growing up is always difficult and everyone has their own experiences. Big trees cast big shadows, that’s for sure. And being compared might bother some people too. However, I was always full of pride and because of that I always felt very happy.

On your new album “Lucas Cordalis” you can also hear a duet with your wife Daniela Katzenberger. How much persuasion was required for this?

Cordalis: Actually, I once promised my wife in the past that we would no longer go on stage together. However, it was of course very important to me, since I’m such a family man, that my wife can also be heard on the album. That just means a lot to me. The song has also become the title song of our joint documentary on RTLzwei. That’s why it makes sense to include him on the album. I also really enjoyed singing with her. I hope you too. But I think so.

You also dedicated a song to your wife with “Daniela”. How did you react when you first heard it?

Cordalis: I think after eight years it was absolutely time to make a musical declaration of love to my wife. Of course she was incredibly happy about it.

Does your daughter Sophia also have singing ambitions?

Cordalis: My little daughter Sophia wants to be a mermaid at the moment. On the other hand, she also likes to practice dances and sing her songs from morning to night. You can feel that she has the talent. However, I will of course never push them. If at some point she wants to do this of her own accord, I will support her.

How do you and Daniela manage to reconcile private and professional life?

Cordalis: It’s not easy for us to separate professional and private life because there are fluid transitions. We’re shooting a documentary in which everything we show is very private.

What’s the secret of your love? How do you keep the relationship fresh?

Cordalis: I think the secret is to give the other person the freedom they need and of course to allow everything. Luckily for us that is absolutely the case. We stand behind each other 100 percent. If my wife needs a day off, then I accept that. It’s the same the other way around.

You and your wife keep talking about going back to Germany. Why are you reluctant to leave the island of Mallorca? Don’t you feel comfortable in Germany?

Cordalis: Of course, Germany is also my home. I was born here and grew up. However, it is true that I feel very comfortable on Mallorca. I know that we can live undisturbed there and that our daughter can also grow up relatively unobserved. Unfortunately, that would not be possible in Germany. I am also happy that she is learning several languages. However, it cannot be ruled out that we will return to Germany in some time.


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