Lucie Bernardoni in mourning: she announces the death of one of her relatives just after Christmas

Friday, December 30, 2022, Lucie Bernardoni announced sad news. Last August, his grandfather, René, died. Just after Christmas, the coach of the last season of Star Academy paid tribute to him on Instagram.

She had no idea that she would end the year without him… Last August, Lucie Bernardoni lost her grandfather, René, to whom she was very close. Just after Christmas, it was Friday December 30, 2022 that she wanted to pay tribute to him on Instagram. In caption of a black and white snapshot, the coach of the last season of Star Academy wrote: “2022, you gave me a lot, but you took it from us, my ‘grandpa’ as we say back home, at least in August, as I entered the stage. So, I played for you that night and I pray to you every day. May 2022 keep you forever where you are at peace. Even if I don’t accept. Although I will never accept. Some would say that’s the way it is, that death is part of life and all that bullshit. So, we put your plate at Christmas and we will always put it. And tomorrow, I’ll pour you a drink. Cheers grandpa. Your little one.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022, it is by sharing a photo where she appears as a child alongside her grandfather that Lucie Bernardoni had shared a heartbreaking letter. I didn’t have your new address, so I’m writing where it will fly to you. The seasons will pass. The harsh winters, the autumns and their smell of new books, the soft springs with pastel colors and the sultry summers will pass. And me, I’ll be in the middle“, she began, before slipping: “I will try once more to find my way among the others, people in a hurry, souls a little more lost than the others, I will do it. The best that I can. By trying to forget that my soul was much less lost near you. You calmed her down. You taught me so much. Reading, writing, cycling, politeness, life.

Lucie Bernardoni: “You left as one dreams, nicely”

After confiding that her grandfather had tried to make her like school, it was with emotion that the young woman had written: “I thought to myself that you had stayed in school all your life, becoming a master, as if you had wanted to remain small. But you were great. A great gentleman with a child’s soul. You painted, you played music, you helped others. And then, one day in August, a few weeks ago, you left as one dreams, beautifully. Simply. An afternoon, like when you took a nap under the arbor when I was little.“Upset, Lucie Bernardoni had added:”September is here. And not you. So, we who love you, we are going to live the seasons, like you, you liked to paint them. Emphasizing the colors. Although sometimes it will rain a little. We will tell the rain not to come too often. She’s already gone long enough. Kiss my angels of March, April, October and November. And take with you my heart of August. I give it to you. Be happy. In our seasons. To my grandpa. Rein.

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