Lucie Castets proposes a decree to initially cancel the pension reform


Postpone by decree the application of retirement to 64 years and increase the minimum wage: the candidate of the New Popular Front for Matignon Lucie Castets developed this Thursday her first actions as Prime Minister, promising to go through consultation and the search for majorities “project by project”.

On pensions, a decree will first allow the implementation to be postponed “so that the generations that were to be affected by the application of this reform are not immediately affected”, explained Lucie Castets on BFMTV-RMC, assuring that, subsequently, her government would present “a bill” for repeal in due form.

Objective: to make the reform obsolete

The proposed repeal law that the National Rally wants to defend as early as October 31 in the National Assembly will thus be pointless because the decree will have rendered “the reform null and void, in fact,” she dismissed. More broadly, she said that the question of the possible vote on texts presented by the RN by the left “will have to be discussed.” “We will look at project by project how we organize voting coalitions,” she said.

Lucie Castets, a senior civil servant committed to the left and unknown to the general public, also wanted to use a decree to increase salaries. “We need to have a very general approach and therefore we will have to revalue low salaries but we will also have to revalue the index point of civil servants and we must also tackle the poverty suffered by the French, by revaluing social benefits”, she explained, promising “consultations and consultations, in particular with the union world” before signing any decree.

“Change of method”

Recalling that she wanted “a change of method”, “to turn her back on brutality in the conduct of the nation and governance”, she did not, however, rule out the possibility of using Article 49.3 to impose a bill without a vote. “As a matter of principle, I cannot say today that I will not engage the responsibility of my government when it is necessary to bring about a law that is supported by the vast majority of French people”, she acknowledged.

Asked about foreign policy, she described the Palestinian organization Hamas as “terrorist” and recalled that the NFP’s program demanded “a priority: that the ongoing massacres in Gaza cease and that the hostages be released.”


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