Luck horoscope: what is your best day in January 2024 according to your astro sign? : Current Woman Le MAG

For this first lucky horoscope in 2024, the sky is dominated by the sign of Capricorn (4 planets cross it). The start of 2024 will therefore be marked by discipline, perseverance, slowness and humor. The perfect mix for building and bringing projects to fruition. This is probably where luck will play out this month of January for each astrological sign. The forecasts of Isabelle Elvira, astrologer for Current wife.

Horoscope for the month of January 2024: luck forecasts

Remarkable astral guests in January 2024? The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and even Pluto. On the other hand, for the famous planet of luck, Jupiter, Isabelle does not retain a specific aspect. January isn’t expected to be the luckiest month of the year, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a more auspicious day than others. As such, Venus is also the instigator of luck from a relational point of view. Note also the direct resumption of Mercury, good news in itself.

January 2024: the day with the most potential for each astrological sign

With insight and notes from Zaza, let’s take a closer look at who these planetary transits benefit most and how to take advantage of them this January.

1. For Aries: the great harvest

January 15th. Your efforts and talents are publicly recognized. Shine! Luck is notified to you through support around you. Mercury is close to you. You manage to fulfill your ambitions even by letting go of a little ballast. So do it!

2. For Taurus: a journey

January 10. You regain your independence and perhaps even your freedom. Travel! This is a great way to honor the New Moon which is coming the next day, on the 11th, and which calls you to take risks, whether personal (an impromptu road trip) or related to your career (a business trip). business). This invitation to launch yourself into the unknown will do you a totally unexpected good. Don’t think too much, trust your lucky star.

3. For Gemini: refined sexy

January 29. Your libido skyrockets to seduce whoever you want. This is a story that could end in a happy ending… Literally! One-day encounter or lifelong love, Uranus, the planet of awakening, in direct motion since the 27th, brings a boost to your relationships and speaks well of an unexpected encounter to offer you the best. What are you waiting for? Get ready and get out! Open your eyes and ears wide!

4. For Cancers: soaring

January 18. Someone is ready to follow you, in business, in your love life or to the ends of the earth. In what area are you going to let yourself be carried away? Which path speaks to you? A window opens for you today. Open it wide and jump together!

5. For Leo: success

January 18. Give your best, a promotion is in the air for your career. You’ve been working hard for some time and, on this January day, the stars are whispering to you to do your best because you’re going to be noticed. Don’t overdo it, it might show. Stay natural.

6. For Virgos: the right time

January 27. This same day when Uranus, the planet of change, resumes its direct course, you leave no one indifferent. Now is the right time to declare yourself! About someone dear to you, the start of a hobby, the start of a baby or vacation project… What speaks to you? This is the right day to act, everything will be easier, faster and more successful. 100% winner!

7. For Libras: dare

January 29. Get out of your comfort zone and change everything! Your interior, your car or even your habits. Yes, if that’s what you want! Your energy is joyful, positive and your ideas are clear. Go for it!

8. For Scorpios: love always triumphs!

January 9. You are persuasive and reassuring, reconciliation is the key! And this, two days before the New Moon, very sentimental for you. Remember, the energies of the Moon act from 48 hours before to 48 hours after. For you, these are past memories that resurface and that you will go through with your heart for a very liberating relief. Victory !

9. For Sagittarius: seduction operation

January 1st. What’s better than the first day of the year to get lucky? Class! On this date, your seduction is at its maximum. So, in the spirit of New Year’s Eve (or not), take a risk and make your statement. We can already clearly feel the active influence of Mars, the planet of action, which is arriving overhead.

10. For Capricorns: declaration

January 12. You have charisma and charm, express all your feelings in full light. Normal, you are still under the influence of your annual New Moon, centered on you. Take advantage of this to bring an important life, career or public project into play. It is the right time !

11. For Aquarius: anything is possible!

January 19. Negotiate, discuss, you win the game and take home the stake. This can concern work but also your love or financial life. Two days before its arrival in your sign, is Pluto preparing its entry into your era? In any case, this already suggests your evolution towards the big turning point in your life.

12. For Pisces: on the right track

January 13. We support you and a loved one wants to help you accomplish your great project. At this time, you are just between the energies of the New Moon and Mercury which speak to you about your resources and how to manage them well. Listen to your loved ones and promote inner peace. This balance will be favorable to your businesses, whatever they may be.

Which astrological sign is most likely to be rich in 2024?

Known for its good financial management and, above all, for its savings, Taurus is the astrological sign most likely to be rich in general. Not so much from a career point of view. He is very far-sighted and capitalizes on his assets. Besides, it’s not necessarily him who will lend you money, he’ll prefer a helping hand.

Luck-themed forecasts for 2024 are coming soon to the website. Current wife. In the meantime, you can find your complete forecasts, sign by sign, in our ASTRO 2024 special issue by Current wifeon newsstands now.

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