Luna Schweiger on Kevin von Anhalt: “We’re not together right now, but we get along well”

Luna Schweiger about Kevin von Anhalt
“We’re not together right now, but we get along well”

Luna Schweiger and Kevin Prinz von Anhalt at a film premiere in Berlin in September 2022.

© imago images/Eventpress

Luna Schweiger said about Kevin von Anhalt: “We’re not together right now.” The footballer speaks of a “relationship crisis”.

Luna Schweiger (26) has in an interview with the “Bild” newspaper the separation from Kevin Feucht (29) aka Kevin von Anhalt confirmed. “We’re not together right now,” the actress explained. “But we get along well and everything is relaxed.” She also commented on the reasons for the love off.

“It was the lack of time”

Both simply had little time for a relationship. “I travel a lot and he has a lot to do with his start-up. It was actually a lack of time, even though we both live in Hamburg,” said Schweiger. Despite the separation, the actress also hinted: “Maybe there will be a love comeback at some point.”

Apparently Kevin von Anhalt still has hope. He did not speak of separation in the “Bild” interview, but explained: “I have a relationship crisis with Luna, which also has to do with the fact that we both have a lot on our minds.” He is very busy with his football school and football at Altona 93, “there is little time for romance and intensive discussions. I hope we can get through this.”

New Love became public in May 2022

Luna Schweiger made her new love public at the end of May 2022: “I’m in a relationship with footballer Kevin von Anhalt”, she explained to the “Bild am Sonntag”. The footballer and the eldest daughter of Til Schweiger (59) have been “together for half a year”, it said at the time. At the beginning of June they made their first joint appearance at an event in Bonn.

Both can be seen in Schweiger’s “Manta Manta – Zwoter Teil” from this Thursday (March 30), but they don’t have a common scene. In the movie, Kevin von Anhalt plays Timur Bartels’ (27) best friend. “I rehearsed the text for her role with Luna on Mallorca and Til noticed that,” the 29-year-old tells “Bild”. “He asked me if I could fill in for an actor who had to cancel. I was hesitant at first because my butt was bare. But then I said yes.” It was a lot of fun for him and he could imagine doing more in this area. Luna Schweiger plays Mücke, the daughter of mechanic Bertie (Til Schweiger), in the “Manta, Manta” sequel.


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