Lunar garden calendar: gardening in the lunar rhythm

Those who orientate themselves on the lunar calendar in the garden will be rewarded with a rich harvest and healthy plants. We explain what you have to consider here.

The power of the moon can not only be used for hair cutting or an operation by setting the appointment on a favorable day for this matter, too Plants benefit of the energy of the moon and its influence.

Moon position: This is how the moon influences the plants in the garden

  • The moon rises towards the constellation Gemini, according to the lunar calendar, he is walking through the zodiac signs Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. With the help of his strength, he pulls the sap from the lower parts of the plant into the upper parts – a good day for harvesting and canning fruit and vegetables.
  • At the descent of the moon from the highest point he walks through the zodiac signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus. In doing so, the water and nutrients are withdrawn to the part of the plants that are underground. Now is a very good time to harvest root vegetables and prune hedges and perennials. These lose less sap during the descending moon.

Use the phases of the moon

A lunar calendar not only shows the course of the moon through the different Zodiac signs, it is also based on the phases of the moon. Within a month it wanders from the lowest point in the zodiac to the highest in the next zodiac and back again. Depending on the position of the sun, it changes from new moon to full moon and back to new moon and thus affects the work in the garden in different ways.

When choosing the right zodiac sign, you should consider which one Plant part should be best developed. Is it the fruit like with tomatoes? The roots like radish or the leaves like lettuce?

Planting, sowing and planting according to the lunar calendar

In spring we start digging, planting, sowing and planting in the garden. Here is the ideal Time of sowing very important because it affects the growth and maturity of the plants. The infestation of pests can also be prevented by choosing the right time according to the lunar calendar. The following is therefore the rule when sowing, setting and planting:

  • Increasing Moon: Planting or sowing aboveground plants
  • Waning moon: Sowing and planting underground fruits

Maria Thun (1922 to 2012) had found in many experiments that the different phases of the moon mean that the four plant organs be encouraged in their growth and development:

  • Warmth supports the fruit
  • Earth supports the root
  • Light supports the flower and the seed
  • Water supports the leaf

In the Gardening, which includes sowing, planting, tending and harvesting, one focuses on the respective Organs to be harvested. Here come the Trigons, three zodiac signs, come into play. They repeat themselves after a few days and describe you auspicious day for sowing, planting, tending and harvesting.

Fruit days: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

When the moon is in one of these fire signs, it favors the warmth on earth. This promotes the Fruiting the following plants:

  • Eggplant
  • Beans
  • Strawberries
  • Cucumber
  • Pumpkins
  • fruit
  • paprika
  • tomatoes
  • zucchini

Root days: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

If the moon is in these earth signs, a special power emanates from the earth and the following vegetables benefits:

  • potatoes
  • Carrots
  • radish
  • radish
  • Beetroot
  • Salsify
  • celery
  • Onions

Flowering days and seeding days: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

If the moon is in one of these air signs, the following can occur flowers and plants to be sown, planted or cared for:

  • Flowering house plants
  • Flowering perennials
  • broccoli
  • Annual and biennial flowers
  • Flax
  • Rapeseed

Leaf days: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

Leaves develop particularly well when the moon is in a watermark. Benefit from it Foliage plantsandLeafy vegetables how:

  • Endive
  • Lamb’s lettuce
  • fennel
  • Types of cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • leek
  • Types of lettuce
  • spinach

Lunar calendar garden: watering with the power of the moon

When watering, we often do not give much thought to whether it is the right time at all. The main thing is regularly. But that makes the plants lazy, they have shallow roots and the harvest is sluggish.

One irrigates, however in the rhythm of rain and drought, the plant wakes up and knows that every drop counts. Your inner strength is rekindled and your fruits thrive in the interplay of the elements. In nature, plants withstand longer periods of drought, have deeper roots and are better protected from pests than our spoiled garden plants.

Our plants on the balcony or in the house, on the other hand, need a little more care. But even these should be poured less often than usual, ideally onLeaf days, during the Moon in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces stands. If you only water on these days, you will water your plants sufficiently. If a plant needs more water, you can every two or three leaf days pour. Caution is advised with exotic plants. These have a different rhythm.

Tip: Who at Flowering days (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) refrains from watering, ensures that his plants less often attacked by lice will.

Properly fertilize with the energy of the moon

If you fertilize your plants incorrectly or too much, you will deprive them of their natural life force. The plants become powerless and can no longer protect themselves from pests on their own. According to the lunar calendar it is waning moon and the beginning full moon the right time to fertilize. During this time the earth can do a lot absorb more fluid than in other phases of the moon.

Lunar calendar garden: weeding at the right time

If you want to start regulating weeds, you should first think carefully about whether you really want to remove this plant. Perhaps it does not grow next to the crop for no reason. But not every “weed” functions as a valuable medicinal plant and would like to be simply removed by gardeners: inside. But why does the herb come back twice as fast and with twice as much power after several tears? It was probably weeded at the wrong time.

For weed removal is the waning moon most suitable, preferably under the sign of Capricorn.

Calendar tip

This Garden calendar for the lunar year 2022 is the perfect companion for gardening according to moon energy. It can be hung in the kitchen and tells you at any time which gardening work is the perfect time today or in the next few days.

You might also be interested in these garden topics: decorating the garden, creating plants for the shade, permaculture in the garden and barbecue areas

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