Lyon: rewarded at the Bocuse d’Or, this menu will be served in the canteens

Elected “best menu for children” on the occasion of the Bocuse d’Or, the meal around the gourd of Naïs Pirollet will be offered in school canteens.


At 25, Naïs Pirollet was the first woman to represent France at the Bocuse d’Or.

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SThe only chef to compete in the Bocuse d’Or, the Haut-Alpine Naïs Pirollet seduced the hearts of the children, if not that of the jury. If the young woman finished fifth in the general competition, she nevertheless imposed herself on the test of the “best menu for children”, tasted and appreciated by five schoolchildren from Lyon. Wishing to develop the “taste of eating well”, the City of Lyon has also made a surprising announcement, as revealed by our colleagues from 20 Minutes. Naïs Pirollet’s recipe “will serve as inspiration for the menu of Lyon’s canteens”.

To win, the tricolor candidate had offered a whole menu around the gourd. Thus, she offered a lollipop with a crunchy squash croissant, tangy apple, a condimented honeycomb and a squash praline as a starter. Then, a soft-boiled egg bechamel accompanied by a cream of nutmeg squash as a main course. And finally, a “meringue top” topped with milky mousse and pumpkin heart for dessert. What largely inspire the Lyon central canteen to delight the taste buds of schoolchildren.

At 25, Naïs Pirollet was the first woman to represent France at the Bocuse d’Or, one of the most prestigious cooking competitions, created by the French cook Paul Bocuse, in 1987, in Lyon. However, the chef was not at her first participation since she was part of the team of Davy Tissot, winner of the competition in 2020.

Since the election of ecologist Grégory Doucet, Lyon has been committed to “eating organic and local”, offers “healthy, sustainable and quality food” and vegetarian alternatives to all these meals.

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