M6 opens an internal investigation into Stphane Plaza

The M6 ​​group has opened an internal investigation concerning its flagship host Stéphane Plaza, following the violence of which three of his ex-partners accuse him, according to an investigation published Thursday by Mediapart, which he contests, we learned from of his direction.

An internal investigation was opened following Mediapart’s paper in order to bring to light certain points which would not have been raised, a manager of the group told AFP on Friday. This is a classic HR procedure, he added, without further comment.

In its investigation, the Mediapart information site, citing the testimonies of three of the host’s ex-partners, explains having gathered numerous elements and stories testifying to mistreatment by the real estate agent popularized by M6 on three of his companions : humiliation, threats, verbal and, for two of them, physical violence.

The host formally contested these accusations.

His lawyers denounce defamatory and insulting accusations. They believe that Mediapart acted as relay for three women who undermine the dignity of Stphane Plaza, and who are the subject of a criminal complaint that it filed (against them) for harassment and cyberharassment.

Initially a real estate agent, Stphane Plaza became a star of the small screen when M6 propelled him in 2006 to the lead of the show Searching for an apartment or house, then Maison Vente (2007) and Chasseurs d’appart (2015).

Designated for several years as the French’s favorite presenter, Stphane Plaza is one of M6’s trusted values, bringing together several million viewers with his various programs.

In January 2022, the M6 ​​group became the majority shareholder of its network of real estate agencies which has some 660 franchises across France.

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