Macron announces an increase in the premium for the purchase of an electric car

The most modest households will now be able to receive a bonus of 7,000 euros, against 6,000 previously, announced the President of the Republic.


Emmanuel Macron has reaffirmed his desire to go all-electric by 2035.

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LThe ecological bonus will be increased from 6,000 to 7,000 euros for the most modest households buying an electric car, Emmanuel Macron announced in a daily interview The Echoss to be released on Monday.

“Because we want to make the electric car accessible to everyone, we are even going to increase the ecological bonus from 6,000 to 7,000 euros for half of the households, the most modest”, declared the head of state who will go on Monday at the opening of the Mondial de l’Auto in Paris. These bonuses have made it possible to take off the electric market in many countries, while they remain much more expensive to buy than their gasoline or diesel equivalents. But several governments have already lowered the amounts of aid.

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“I strongly defend a European preference”

This bonus is valid for vehicles sold for less than 47,000 euros, either compact electrics or SUVs, such as the Renault Mégane or the Peugeot 2008, but not a Tesla. Emmanuel Macron also asks that we strengthen the “European preference”, or the advantages of buying cars made in Europe. The Paris Motor Show this year has a large number of Chinese manufacturers, who want to launch their electric models on the European market.

“The Americans are buying American and are carrying out a very offensive state aid strategy,” explained Emmanuel Macron. The Chinese are closing their market. We cannot be the only space, the most virtuous in terms of climate, which considers that there is no European preference”. “I strongly defend a European preference on this aspect and strong support for the automotive sector. We have to accept it and it must happen as soon as possible,” he added.

Car rental at 100 euros per month for the most modest households should be launched in the second half of 2023. The tariff shield on energy prices will also be extended to refills at electric terminals, announced Emmanuel Macron.

“From January 2023, we will also extend the price shield to electrical terminals (…) Today the prices remain reasonable, we will ensure that they will remain so”, declared the head of state.

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