Macron bonus, new plan, employee savings… What changes for you from 2024

The end of a long process aimed at better sharing of value within companies: the bill on value sharing was adopted this Wednesday, November 22 by the National Assembly. Main new features? The Macron bonus transforms long-term and strengthened employee savings schemes.

It is a long but discreet project which ends this Wednesday, November 22, the National Assembly, for a gradual entry into force in 2024 and 2025. The deputies adopted the bill on the sharing of value, implied between employees and employers. Everything except a surprise: before this vote, the deputies and senators had reached an agreement on November 15 during a joint joint committee.

This project started last spring: ultimately, the main changes are generally those which had already been announced at the end of May. Remember that this text included the conclusions of an agreement signed in February 2023 by employers and most of the large unions (except the CGT). Focus on 3 upcoming changes.

1. Macron bonus: a sustainable complement to employee savings

Will this Macron bonus given back, and the amount of which will be able to fly away more easily, really be favorable to employees? Or will it partly replace existing employee savings? Or will it take the place of increases in fixed salaries, as INSEE has already noted? It is obviously too early to answer these questions. But concerning the value sharing bonus (PPV), the official name of the so often nicknamed Macron bonus, this future law shows its lasting nature.

What will change. The PPV will remain capped at 3000 euros or even 6000 euros in the event of a company agreement on profit sharing, but you will be able to receive the new Macron bonus in two installments during the year, provided that the accumulation of the two bonuses does not exceed the ceiling annual (3000 or 6000 euros, like today). The future law will also make it possible to pay this Macron bonus into your employee savings plan.

What interest? To date none (apart from betting on a financial investment) since the PPV is tax-exempt. However, in 2024, this full tax exemption ends. Place the Macron bonus on a company savings plan (PEE) will then allow you to escape income tax, as for incentive and participation bonuses currently. Final change for the PPV: it will remain totally tax free until 2026 for employees of small businesses (less than 50 employees) if their remuneration is less than 3 SMIC.

When? From 2024.

A bmol? In a press release, the CFTC warns that value sharing schemes are not sufficient to deal with the loss of purchasing power of employees and are in no way a substitute for salary. This criticism applies in particular to the new generation Macron bonus, since INSEE has highlighted the potential loss in fixed remuneration linked to this bonus, the allocation of which remains linked to the good will of the employer.

This bonus which deprives you of a real salary increase

2. A plan to share the company’s valuation

It’s a new: the creation of a company valuation sharing plan (PPVE) aims to provide any employee with more than one year of seniority from a company valuation sharing bonus in the event that the value of the company has increased in the space of 3 years. The premiums paid on these plans during the first years (in fact in 2026, 2027 and 2028) will be exempt from social security contributions.

How does it work? Let’s take the example of the government, in its May 2023 press kit: Ernest’s company decides to put in place a plan to share the company’s valuation. It is a company that is capitalized on the stock market. It implements the plan in February 2024 by deciding that all employees with 8 months of seniority will be allocated reference amounts which vary depending on the employee’s remuneration. Ernest is allocated a reference amount of 4000 euros. Three years later, in February 2026, the company’s value increased by 30%. Ernest therefore receives a bonus of 1200 (4000 x 30%).

When? From 2024, but the first bonuses will be paid at best in 2026.

A bmol? The appearance of a new right, therefore, for employees but the CFE-CGC union pointed out a limit from the spring: this system is added to those existing (employee savings, PPV), which can create confusion and mechanically increase the substitution risks.

3. Companies with 11 or more employees: an obligation for a sharing system

What will change. The text will force companies with between 11 and 49 employees to set up at least one value sharing system, that is to say participation, profit-sharing or the Macron bonus (PPV). Main condition: be profitable… sustainably, therefore, if the net profit represents at least 1% of turnover for 3 consecutive years. Namely: in the case of these small businesses, the complex participation mechanism will be simplified with an exceptional formula.

When? From January 1, 2025, experimental title for a period of 5 years, which will be followed by an assessment and annual monitoring.

The bmol? Entry into force in 2025 despite the desire of deputies to bring forward the deadline to 2024.

And also…

  • Better sharing of exceptional profits. From 50 employees, companies will now have to take into account the exceptional increase in their profit when sharing value. Negotiations will have to be carried out before June 2024 in companies to define the exceptional character.
  • THE employee savings planscollective PEE or PER, must integrate their range of available funds with satisfactory support for the financing criteria of the energy and ecological transition or socially responsible investment, in addition to the solidarity fund which must already be proposed.

Macron bonus, profit-sharing, employee savings… Key figures

  • Participation: 1409 euros per year per beneficiary employee, on average, in 2020 according to Dares;
  • Interest: 1850 euros per year per beneficiary employee, on average, in 2020;
  • Value sharing bonus: 790 euros per employee in 2022 according to figures from the Minister of Labor.

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