Macron in Romania to support the troops at the gates of Ukraine


After an interview with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday morning at the base, Emmanuel Macron will fly to neighboring Moldova, where he will be received in Chisinau by President Maia Sandu, with whom he has developed “a relationship of trust”. He has received it three times since February 2021, according to the Elysée. The first French president to visit this country since Jacques Chirac in 1998, Emmanuel Macron, with Catherine Colonna, will express “support (of France) in the most direct way possible” for this former Soviet republic, particularly affected by the Russian invasion. of Ukraine, with which it has a common border. For this, France helps financially and materially Moldova, which shows “exceptional solidarity” in welcoming Ukrainian refugees: more than 480,000 have gone there and 80,000 are still there.


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