Macron makes Castex last… and the suspense

Presidential Election 2022case

The government is extended until Thursday, May 13, the date of the end of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term. Behind the scenes, this late casting heats the spirits and all the possible rumors circulate on the ministers.

Emmanuel Macron had promised to govern until “last quarter of an hour”. No one imagined that, once re-elected, he would make the suspense last on his new team until the last day of his first mandate. Concretely, Jean Castex will remain Prime Minister for another week, extending his lease at Matignon until Thursday May 13.

“The Castex government will go to the end of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, which ends on May 13 at midnight”, said Wednesday, May 4, spokesman Gabriel Attal, thus ruling out any appointment of a new team by then. The presidential agenda is full until this date: investiture on Saturday, commemoration of the armistice on May 8, speech on Europe in Strasbourg on May 9, abolition of slavery on May 10.

“The government is at its task to act, to protect the French, to take all the necessary decisions, and the time for individual decisions has not come. No proposal has been made to anyone in the matter.added Gabriel Attal.

What arouse the taunts of the Minister of Transport, a great follower of TikTok. In a video posted on the social network, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari stages himself sitting at his work desk, surrounded by boxes and ready to leave his post. In the caption, he writes: “If this continues, even Rihanna will release her album first.”

Since Emmanuel Macron’s victory on April 24, rumors have filtered from all the staffs about the possible new ministerial recruits of Emmanuel Macron. From LR deputy Damien Abad to the patron saint of PS deputies Valérie Rabault, who would have refused Matignon because (among other things) of Macron’s project to push back the legal retirement age to 65.

Update: addition of the reaction of the Minister of Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari.

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