Macron no longer has any reason to be the hologram of Mélenchon

Emmanuel Macron had yet so well mélenchonisé his speech. An almost perfect hologram… There was, first, this emblematic sentence of the far left that he had taken up during his big presidential campaign rally, at the Paris La Défense Arena, on April 2: “Our lives, their lives, are worth more than their profits. »

Then there was, during the in-between rounds, this decline in the retirement age: Emmanuel Macron “opened the door” to 64 instead of 65, as he had announced.

At the head of the first government of his second five-year term, he appointed a socialist, who had worked alongside Lionel Jospin, Ségolène Royal and Bertrand Delanoë. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he hailed the appointment, to National Education, of Pap Ndiaye as a “aud…

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