Macronist MP Anne Genetet appointed Minister of National Education


Macronist MP Anne Genetet, better known in the Assembly for her work on defense and diplomacy, inherited the difficult and turbulent Ministry of National Education on Saturday, which Nicole Belloubet is leaving behind several hot issues, including the lack of teachers. Unknown to the general public and probably to the vast majority of teachers, she becomes the sixth Minister of Education in seven years and will have a lot to do to rebuild a relationship of trust with teachers.

“Anne Genetet, even Macronie doesn’t know what she really knows about the Educ(ation) files. But they are happy, they have the position. Best possible illustration of the political bargaining underway without any consideration for the School. But in fact, we already knew that”, Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, had written angrily on X, even before the nomination.

Implementation of the reform of initial teacher training

“This evening, it is anger that I feel when I learn of the appointment of the new Minister of National Education, no knowledge of the school, but a clone of G Attal to continue the policy undertaken”, reacted for her part on this same network Guislaine David, general secretary of the FSU-Snuipp, the main union of the first degree. The new minister will have to manage a more burning issue than ever: the lack of teachers and the crisis of attractiveness of the profession, one of the “structural emergencies” for the unions. More than 3,000 positions have still not been filled in the teaching competitions this year.

The goal of putting a teacher in front of each class, which the Ministry of Education is aiming for, has once again not been achieved this fall, according to an initial assessment established in September by teachers’ unions. The new minister will notably have to manage the implementation of the reform of initial teacher training, announced in the spring by Emmanuel Macron, and the aftermath of the “knowledge shock”, a series of measures announced by Gabriel Attal at the end of 2023 that have upset a large part of the teaching world – mainly the level groups in middle school mathematics and French.

The experimentation of the uniform, the place of screens in schools or the obligatory or not nature of the brevet to pass in second are other sensitive subjects which await the new minister. She will be able to rely on a minister delegate in charge of academic success and professional education: the LR deputy Alexandre Portier.


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