Macron’s plan to help you buy an electric car

According to Les Echos, the president-candidate wants to develop a leasing system for electric vehicles so that all households can acquire them.

In 2019, Emmanuel Macron aimed to give the necessary impetus for the electric car to make a breakthrough in France. In March 2022, and while he is running for a second term, the President of the Republic still has great ambitions to make this type of clean, but very expensive, vehicle accessible to all budgets. The candidate On the march! wants develop a leasing system, i.e. a rental with purchase option subscribed either with the manufacturer or directly with the State, explain The echoes this Wednesday.

According to the daily, the project carried by Emmanuel Macron would be subject to conditions of resources and distance by kilometer. I prefer to accompany our compatriots to help them buy vehicles that consume less fuel rather than continuing to pay part of their full tank, Emmanuel Macron had already explained on Monday evening on TF1.

Faced with professionals in the sector, the mayor of Paris and socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo has also put forward the project of offering in rural areas the monthly rental of an electric vehicle at the price of a thermal one.

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As of April 1, 2020, there are therefore 312,767 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in circulation (including 245,964 electric vehicles) in France, according to the Minister of Ecology. Currently, aid of between 6,000 and 2,000 euros depending on the purchase value of the vehicle is granted under certain conditions for the purchase of an electric vehicle (registration in France, no resale within 6 months). From July 1, 2022, this bonus will be between 5,000 and 1,000 euros.

In addition to its purchase price, the electric car is also expensive to insure. Insuring a Renault Zo, one of the most popular electric cars, costs almost twice as much as a Clio: at least 525 euros per year in all risks for the first, against 280 euros for the second, according to data provided by Lesfurets. com in 2021.

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In October 2021, the Head of State had already announced the objective of producing in France by 2030 nearly 2 million electric and hybrid vehicles as part of the France 2030 plan.

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