Maëlys’ sister challenges Lelandais: “You are waste”

Jean-Luc Boujon

This Monday, the older sister of Maëlys spoke during the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, the murderer of her sister. In a moment of great intensity, the young girl spoke directly to the ex-dog handler, summoning him to tell the truth. But Nordahl Lelandais once again kicked into touch.

It is a speech that marked the trial of Nordahl Lelandais. After the parents of little Maëlys, kidnapped and killed by the former soldier in 2017, it was the turn of Maëlys’ older sister, Coline, aged 16, to speak in court. Despite her young age, Maëlys’ sister spoke to Nordahl Lelandais with an aplomb that marked the audience.

During a moment of incredible intensity, Coline planted her eyes in those of Nordahl Lelandais and literally bombarded him with questions with contained anger. “You think you’re tough, but you’re trash,” the girl started. “I don’t believe in your excuses, or your lies, or your tears. Look me in the eyes and tell me what my sister’s last months were before she left this Earth,” he said. she continued.

“You have a family. We have more”

In his box, Nordahl Lelandais was visibly taken aback. He only mumbled a few words. The young girl then resumed: “Where is your courage? You have a family, we have more. I want you to tell us the truth now. Did you rape my sister before killing her?” she asked.

An interminable silence followed in the audience. Coline continued to hold the gaze of the accused, who seemed to hesitate for a moment, but ended up answering in a flat voice “no, I did not rape your sister”. Lelandais therefore remains imperturbable. This Monday, he had however recognized for the first time, after the evocation of the touching that he perpetrated on two of his little cousins, his pedophile tendencies.

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