Maite Kelly: Ten years after her victory, she returns to "Let's Dance"

Maite Kelly
Ten years after her victory, she returns to "Let's Dance"

Maite Kelly

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In 2011 Maite Kelly won the coveted trophy at "Let's Dance" alongside professional dancer Christian Polanc. On the occasion of this anniversary, she is now back on the floor.

It's a special evening for Maite Kelly, 41. Not only does she present her new single "Hello!" Ten years after her victory on "Let's Dance". before, she also meets her former dance partner Christian Polanc, 42, in the live show.

Maite Kelly: "It's unbelievable"

"I am very happy that ten years after winning 'Let's Dance' I am returning to the 'Venue of the Event' to present my new song there," she told RTL.

The joy of her return to the dance floor and of meeting old friends is great, as the 41-year-old should be noted in advance when visiting the studio of "Guten Morgen Deutschland". "It's unbelievable, we're celebrating ten years of 'Let's Dance' and I'll see Christian again soon," she explains enthusiastically.

"Sometimes you have to demand too"

On May 18, 2011 Maite Kelly and Christian Polanc won the final of the dance show. A moment that she still fondly remembers to this day and for which she is especially grateful to her dance partner, but also to juror Joachim Llambi. "If you want to support someone, you sometimes have to challenge them," she knows as the "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" juror and mother of three daughters.

She is aware of her role model function for Agnes, 15, Josephine, 13, and Solène, 6. "Motherhood comes first for me. I think it is important that you have a mother who is also professionally strong in life. I think it is important that you grow up with a strong mother so that you can also grow up strong women yourself become ", so the power woman.

Friday is Maite Kelly Day

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If you can't get enough of her, Maite Kelly is allowed to go to the release of her new album "Hello!" follow the whole Friday on RTL. After "Let's Dance" and the RTL night journal, the station is showing the documentary "Absolut Maite Kelly".

Sources used:,,

This article originally appeared on
