Major fire on a farm in Kriegstetten

On the night of Easter Sunday, the warehouse of a farm in Kriegstetten, Solothurn, burned down completely. The police speak of possible arson. There are other suspects.

The Hof warehouse in Kriegstetten burned down completely.

Solothurn cantonal police

tsf. In the Solothurn town of Kriegstetten, the feeding and storage hall of a farm was destroyed by fire late on Saturday evening. No one was injured and no animals were harmed.

As the cantonal police announced on Sunday, they have started investigations into the cause of the fire – an intentional act (arson) is in the foreground.

Almost at the same time as the police received the report about the fire in the feeding and storage hall, the resident of a single-family home on Hauptstrasse in Kriegstetten noticed that his tool shed was also on fire. According to the police, the person who discovered the fire was able to independently extinguish the fire, which had not yet spread far. According to the first clarifications, arson can be assumed.

The fire brigade had already had to move out over the past few weekends due to several fires in the canton of Solothurn.

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