Make a wedding gift: simple and creative ideas

DIY wedding gift
Simple, creative and from the heart – the most beautiful ideas

© ouh_desire / Shutterstock

Do you want to make a wedding gift and don’t know what? We present great ideas to you – with and without money.

A wedding is always a very special occasion, and you want to give something special. Classic gifts include things for the household or a debit card.

Make a simple wedding gift

Crafting a wedding gift does not have to degenerate into a large project and often does not require a lot of money. Simple ideas also come from the heart and bring great joy to the bridal couple.

Sew or knit gifts

Make a wedding gift: bay window with pillow and blanket

© Julia Lototskaya / Shutterstock

Do you sew or knit? This gives you the perfect conditions for a very personal gift! A self-knitted XXL blanket for the couple for evenings together is sure to be a hit (you can find instructions here under blanket knitting)! If offspring has announced or is already there, you can also sew a baby blanket.

Make ring pillows yourself

Right in the middle instead of just being there: With a DIY ring pillow you not only have a personal gift, but also contribute a part to the wedding ceremony – it couldn’t be more personal. Here’s how to make your own ring pillow.

wood panel

Make a wedding gift: wooden discs and a roll of paper

© Rebecca Lambertsen / Shutterstock

A wooden plaque with a personal message is a beautiful wedding gesture. And it’s quick to make too! Either you engrave the panes or you paint them with chalkboard paint and write a nice saying on them. Here you will find instructions: Make your own wooden board.

Make a wedding present with decoupage

You can also skilfully use the serviette technique to design different materials. One candle, one wooden box or glass gets an original look!

pimp porcelain

Make a wedding present: Red cup with a heart

© Katarzyna Hurova / Shutterstock

An old heirloom or something new for the porcelain collection can be beautified with simple means and ideas. Painting porcelain is a great way to personalize and customize a piece to suit the couple’s tastes.

Endless calendar

The future spouses will now celebrate their future together, so how about a homemade calendar with personal photos or other memorabilia? Here you will find instructions for a perpetual calendar.

to wrap gifts

Of course, a beautiful present also needs to be attractively packaged! Here you can find out how to make gift bags and what the best alternatives to wrapping paper look like. A great idea for decorating are homemade flowers, in this article there are creative examples: craft flowers.

Wedding gift crafts with money

If the couple has just bought a house or booked an expensive honeymoon, they are certainly happy about a little financial support. But instead of simply putting banknotes in an envelope with a card, you can make happy faces with a self-made gift of money. Here you will find nice and funny ideas:

Original hot air balloon

A DIY hot air balloon immediately catches the eye! The bills come around the balloon or coins in the basket. Instructions for making a hot air balloon can be found here.

Stylish picture frame

A gift of money Picture Frame looks very stylish and is also easy to imitate.

Romantic metal ring

Little effort, maximum wow effect! You only need a few utensils for this gift idea, but you make a gift that will be remembered.

box with gravel

Mice, toads, gravel and moss join real bills here. Very cute – and the tea box simply keep using the pair afterwards. Bet it has to smile every time it takes out a tea bag?!

holiday glass

A honeymoon grant could not be given in a more charming way.

Reading tip: You can find more creative money gifts for a wedding and inspiration on how to wrap money gifts here.

Folding money for a wedding present

Most people can probably fold a paper airplane! If you want to go a step further, you can use one of the following instructions.

A ship, e.g. B. for a vacation or honeymoon motto:

Make a wedding gift: instructions for origami boats

© Pixel Shot / Shutterstock

Why money or Love? That’s how you craft hearts from banknotes:

Make a wedding gift: origami instructions for a heart

© Yekatseryna Netuk / Shutterstock

Here you will find another simple guide: fold banknotes into a heart.

Whether it’s a self-made calendar or a creatively wrapped gift of money: the bridal couple will be happy about the effort you have invested and of course about the gift itself!

Tip: In the BRIGITTE community you can exchange ideas with others about wedding topics!

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